Part 6

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No. She has not fallen in love with him. This shouldn't happen. If he comes to know she is the bride, he is going to reject her again..


She has already bore that pain. She doesn't wanted it more and more. If he is going to reject, it should be her who rejects him first..!!


But, the truth is, may be she is really loving him and she knows very well that he is loving her. yes..!! this is correct time for her revenge.

Ragini takes her phone. Dials his number. Laksh lifts the call...

Laksh: Ragini..?? why did you cut the call suddenly..? what happened..???

RAgini locks the love Taj mahal with her stubbornness. Ragini puts a huge china wall around her heart.. Ragini decides to keep 5 oceans distance between her and him.

Ragini brings her all courage out. Now thoughts should over come feelings. Mind should overcome heart. Her revenge should overcome this love..!


Ragini opens her mouth.

"I hate you..!"

She says.

"what..?" Laksh asks laughing.

"I don't love you Laksh."

"Jokes apart Ragini.."

Ragini now shouts in frustration,

"why can't you understand..??? I don't like you. I don't have any feelings for you..!! I don't want this engagement. I don't want marriage with you..!! I hate you..!!!!"

Laksh may be shocked with her continuous verbal war. He was silent for a while,

"Umm, Ragini.. is everything all right..?"

Ragini: Laksh, everything is alright. It will be more alright if this marriage won't happen.

Laksh: this marriage will happen Ragini..!!

Ragini: why are you so stubborn when I'm saying no..??

Laksh: bcz, your 'no' is coming from mouth. Not from heart..!!

Ragini: oh.. you can understand me that much..??? then why did you...

(Ragini is about to burst out that she was the girl whom once he rejected.. but, before that only Laksh says..)

Laksh: that's why I have come back for you Ragini...!!! I have searched and just came for you again..!!!

Ragini becomes dumbstruck. She is speechless.

Laksh: I know that you are the same Ragini. You are my friend in our college days. The girl who proposed me on the last day...

Ragini is still speechless.

Laksh continues saying,

"Ragini, I have rejected you on that day. I thought your love was just infatuation. But, when I had my higher studies, and when I has my job... I came across different girls who has proposed me. I never accepted any one. Bcz... there is only one reason.. and, that's you Ragini..!"

Ragini looks on holding the phone.

"I have not seen genuine in their eyes, which I have seen in your eyes. Your eyes have spoke what was in your heart. Those all girls proposed me from tongue, but Ragini it was only you who has did it with heart.. whenever I receive a new proposal, I just remembered you Ragini..! your truth in those eyes..!!"

Ambaran barasya paani... Mitti di khusboo..Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon