a bald head & broken eggs

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A/N: I wrote this a few months ago in the middle of my finals when my stress levels were super high. I recently stumbled upon this in one of the folders in my laptop and thought "Hey, this is Wattpad-worthy." So here we are. 

A combination of one of my favourite shows with one of my favourite (solo) boy-band members. 


Warning: This contains a lot of 'wtf' moments but just go along with it lmao


Harry hastily walked through the aisles of the store, grabbing almost anything and everything that he could find and tossing it into his shopping cart. It was bargain day at the grocery store and he had to make the most of it. Nothing could stop him when it came to bargain day.

"Now, the eggs," he said as he read through his shopping list. "Maybe I should take two trays." He paused to think. "I will take two trays."

He started for the counter but stopped midway to take a look at his overfilled cart. An old lady passed by him, casting a questioning look at him and then at the trolley, as if she was subtly judging him.

"Too much?" he asked the lady.

She quietly nodded and scurried away.

"Maybe the old lady is right," he said to himself. "I did buy too much. I don't think I even have that much money."

With a heavy heart, he started putting everything back where he had found it, including the extra tray of eggs. Yes, it was bargain day, but he couldn't push his limits.

"Rough time getting rid of all that extra stuff?" The young blonde cashier smirked at him as she checked through the items.

"You saw, huh?"

She nodded. "You were the only one here besides the old lady. I was bored."

"Good thing I got rid of the shampoo, eh?" he laughed as he tapped his bald. The cashier looked unamused and his laugh died abruptly. Clearing his throat, he asked, "How much?" The bargain begins.

Suddenly, he felt the ground beneath him tremble. It stopped momentarily, and Harry was about to dismiss it before the ground shook another time. He heard a loud rumble and a roar and everything around him started shaking violently.

He looked through the glass doors of the store and he saw people screaming and running away from whatever was causing the earth to shake. Harry rolled his eyes and turned back around to face the cashier – only she wasn't there anymore. He heard the back door open and close and he assumed that she had run away too.

"Oh well," he said, disappointed. He put all his stuff in two paper bags and put 3 dollars less than what his bill said on the counter. "A bargain is a bargain."

He tucked the bag under his arms and stepped out of the store, where few people were still running and screaming for their lives. He looked around to see what the people were running away from and saw buildings tumbled over a destroyed road, car alarms screeching over the screams of people and fires spreading over debris. It seemed like a good part of the city was destroyed.

"That sucks," he said to himself.

There was no one around now. Everyone had now evacuated the area.

He started walking further, over the debris and jumped over the broken buildings (for he had massive strength) to find a large purple monster – as tall as a six storeyed building – smashing another five storeyed building into pieces. It looked terrifying, no doubt. All of its giant four arms were invested in demolition and terrorising, its giant muscular legs covered in some sort of giant clothing (for which Harry was thankful for, because most monsters didn't seem to own any pants) and its purple torso comprised pf giant veins running up and down its body. Its big bulging eyes were filled with hunger for destruction.

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