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  For the first time on a Monday, Johnny rushed home, feeling the need to be there instead of out and about, flitting through work or seduction. His normal ritual included dinner out, sometimes with Irene and business discussions, sometimes with his conquest-of-the-moment dangling from his arm, and, more rarely, sometimes he hit the clubs, polishing his playboy image and keeping an eye on 'things'.

However, with the lure of Ten waiting for him, possibly in his bed, he arrived a scant ten minutes after leaving his office, a speed not acquired in the lightest of traffic, let alone during the peak of the rush-hour. He owed the driver a hefty tip, but it had been fun.

He let himself into his apartment and paused, disappointed when there was no evidence of Ten's presence to greet him. When he learned where his guest was, however, any disappointment quickly faded into anticipation. He stationed himself outside of his own bathroom, listening to the sounds of the water running. He was still standing there when the water stopped. He waited a few more minutes and was about to knock on the door when it opened, revealing Ten, wrapped in Johnny's bathrobe, still dripping water.

Johnny grinned. "Hello," he greeted Ten, keeping his voice steady. No use in alerting Ten to his lecherous thoughts, at least until he was ready to act upon them. Johnny, being a great strategist, had already devised an outline for the evening, and he would let nothing, not even his own desires, come between him and his plans. Unless Ten was willing to jump straight to the last item on the docket.

"Hi," Ten returned after a brief hesitation. He stepped into the hallway and moved so that the entryway to the bathroom was free. "I didn't make you wait long, did I?"

"Actually, you're making me wait a lot less than I had planned," Johnny informed him stalking forwards. The sex might be last on his list, but that didn't mean that he couldn't take a sample.

After all, Ten was a step ahead of him, having already taken a shower. It wasn't the long, luxurious bath that Johnny had been planning, but he could work around it.

"Real-" Ten's words were cut off by the pressure of Johnny's mouth against his. He closed his eyes, leaning into the kiss, hands reaching up of their own volition to grip the lapels of Johnny's coat.

Johnny broke off and grinned at him. "I have plans for you," he said huskily, unable to help the wolfish look that passed over his face. Ten stared at him for a moment, panting slightly and looking flushed, though from the shower or the kiss, Johnny wasn't sure. What he was sure of, however, was that it would be the latter that kept him flushed... all night, if he had his choice.


With a content smile, Ten leaned back on the bed. His face was sweat-dampened and his heart was beating fiercely in his chest. He vaguely heard Johnny murmur something, but the words and meaning were lost in his pleasure-fogged brain. "Hm?" he managed, barely forcing the noise out of his throat. Every muscle in his body was lax and he felt boneless.

"I said 'you're a lazy man' " Johnny answered, his voice sounding closer than it had before. Ten lifted one eyelid enough to see the other man's face. "One foot rub and you're ready to pass out. How are you ever going to manage a whole evening of me lavishing tender, loving care upon your body?"

"A whole evening?" Ten squeaked in surprise. His other eye blinked open and he stared up at Johnny. "There was more than just the bath and the foot rub?"

Johnny smiled and leaned over the younger man, using his arms to brace himself above Ten's body. "Yes, there's more. After the bath and the foot rub, I thought I'd give you a back massage, and then there was dinner in front of the fireplace, and some dancing by candlelight and-"
"Why?" inquired Ten, sounding as confused as he looked.

"Why what?" Johnny inquired back, perplexed by the general suspiciousness with which Ten was treating his plans. Ten was definitely cute when confused, but 'cute' and 'confused' were not what Johnny had been aiming for.

"Why are you going through all of this? If you want me, I'm here. You don't have to work so hard to get me into your bed, you know. I've already gone with you twice willingly. Unless I'm too easy, and you want a challenge," his voice was soft, bordering on hurt and uncertainty.

Johnny groaned and collapsed, falling on top of Ten without grace or gentleness. "You are such a pain. I don't want you as a challenge, and it's not work. Trust me, I used to 'work' every weekend and sometimes during the week. You- you are pure pleasure." He nuzzled his face into the curve of Ten's neck as he shifted to lay half on the shorter man and half at his side.

"Well, you would be pure pleasure if you'd just trust me," he amended, frustration clear in his voice.

"I don't suppose it'd make you happy if I apologized?" Ten asked, his tone indicating that he doubted an apology would make Johnny happy.

"No, no it wouldn't," Johnny answered shortly. He grunted as Ten wiggled beneath him, but the younger man simply pulled his arm out from under Johnny and wrapped it around the older man's body. "You know what would make me happy?"


"Let me show you what you mean to me? Because-" Johnny cut off abruptly, leaving the words unspoken.

Ten puzzled at the possible reasons for the break in speech, but decided that reason had very little to do with it. "Please," he requested softly. He was more than willing to accept whatever Johnny had to offer. So far, he'd been more than pleasantly surprised. He didn't doubt that Johnny would have more tricks up his sleeve.

Johnny sat up, making Ten's arm fall back to the bed. "Alright then. Roll over and let me work out all of your...kinks," he drew the last word out, swiftly reverting to his playful, teasing self.

Ten obeyed with a smile, rolling onto his stomach, his arms out at his side. "You don't get out enough, you know that?" he commented conversationally as he straddled Ten's hips.

Ten smiled, turning his head to the side and closing his eyes as Johnny got to work. "I'd worry about being too pale, but something tells me that you wouldn't be happy with me if I did."

"At least some part of your brain is catching on," Johnny noted. "Now, if the rest of it would catch up, we'd be doing okay." He pressed the heel of his palm into the spot beneath each of Ten's shoulder-blades and pressed, pushing down and up at the same time.

"Trust me, some parts of me are more than 'caught up' " Ten murmured ruefully, his breath hitching slightly. Johnny grinned and continued, working down Ten's sides and then up along his spine with both hands, earning quite a few moans and groans for his efforts. "Has this technique ever failed?" Ten inquired, sounding as relaxed as his body was becoming.

"What technique?" Johnny returned, rolling his eyes. Just when he thought he had Ten where he wanted him, the younger man turned around and brought up something best left out of intimate conversations. Instead of waiting for the inevitable reply, he moved his hands down and squeezed the Ten's rear through his pants, earning a squeak and moan. He grinned.

Deciding that, even loose-fitting and thin though they were, Ten's pants had to go, Johnny worked that goal into his massage, moving his hands to the hem of the pants and working them down as he worked his way to Ten's hips, thighs, and then calves.

Ten wasn't quite certain what Johnny was up to, but he voiced none of the questions raging in his head: the sensation of Johnny's touch was too nice to give up just to ask silly questions, and he feared that talking would ruin the mood, effectually stopping the massage. Silence and confusion were worth the feeling of Johnny's hands any day.

He didn't know how long he lay their under the older man's ministrations, but it seemed all too soon when Johnny removed his hands and sat back at Ten's side. "You look lovely like this,"

Johnny whispered. Ten opened his eyes to find the other man's face only inches away, brown eyes lustfully glancing back along his body. Their eyes met and Johnny smiled before asking softly, "Hungry?"

"Not really," Ten answered, just as softly, returning the tender smile Johnny was directing at him.

"Want to go dance?" was the next question out of Johnny's mouth. Ten closed his eyes and shook his head as best he could without lifting it from the bed. "Ready for the post-dancing phase, then?" There was a hint of playfulness in Johnny's voice, along with a large dollop of desire, and maybe, if Ten listened closely enough, a small smidgen of uncertainty. The younger man nodded, opening his eyes once again and waiting for Johnny to begin so he would have some point of reference as how to react.

Johnny reached out and smoothed a hand across Ten's shoulder, fingertips gentle as they traced a whirling design from one blade to the next, and then down Ten's spine, making his skin tingle and a small shiver to work its way down the path Johnny had just marked. The older man drew circles in the small of Ten's back, not moving lower as he started into Ten's eyes, judging his readiness and willingness.

With infinite slowness, Johnny's fingers rode up the curve of Ten's left cheek and then spread out until his palm was flat against Ten's skin. His hand paused for a moment; he leaned down and in, twisting until he was lying beside Ten and kissing him, lips working gently over the younger man's. They kissed for a while, gently working from small, sipping kisses to open-mouthed, tongue-battling kisses that left them both breathless and wanting more.

Not moving his mouth from Ten's, Johnny nudged the younger man with his hand until he obediently moved to his side, facing Johnny. "Why do you want me?" Ten asked quietly, eyes serious as he gazed at Johnny's face. A blink and heartbeat later, he was lying on his back, Johnny straddling his hips and leaning over him, large hands on either side of Ten's head.

"I'm assuming from your tone that it's not enough that I -do-?" Johnny questioned plaintively.

Brown eyes blinked up at him, surprise filling them from the sudden change in position. "I hate to be the one to tell you this, Ten, but it seems that someone must."

Ten swallowed hard, regretting instantly that he'd thought the question, let alone asked it aloud.

"You're really quite beautiful," Johnny went on, staring down at Ten with a somber expression in his brown eyes. "You have this rather lovely little nose that I always want to kiss. Your voice is rather nice; though I'd much rather have it screaming my name in pleasure than inquiring after my motives." He leaned down and nuzzled his nose under Ten's ear, whispering as he continued. "You're wonderfully strong, even more so than I think you realize. You're brave enough to be here, despite your dire fear that I'm going to kick you out. Which is a truly wasted emotion, since I've waited too long to get you in my arms and have no intention of letting you go. Ever." The last word was growled out and then followed by a nip at the skin on Ten's neck.

"Do you want to know why I want you?" Ten asked just as Johnny began to kiss and lick at his skin. The older man stopped, drawing away. That question had never actually occurred to Johnny, and the fact that Ten was bringing it up in such a serious tone gave him a sudden reason for concern.

"Why do you want me?" Johnny asked, his eyes scanning Ten's face.

Ten smiled, pulling Johnny down for a soft, rather chaste kiss. "Because -you- want -me-," he answered, smiling happily and pressing his lips against Johnny's once again.  

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