Chapter 4

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*Your p.o.v.*

"Would you like to go on a date with me?"

I stood there in shock, my mouth agape. THE Jacksepticeye just asked me out.. what do I do?

Minutes passed by, neither of us saying anything. I panicked mentally, wanting to say yes but nothing coming out. Jack's eyes glimmered sadly, his face turning to a frown. Sadness waved over him, I still couldn't say anything. I was overwhelmed with joy over it.

"I'm sorry I-"

"Wait-yes. The answer is yes. I was too happy to say anything.." I interrupted, shyly blushing. Jacks eyes lit up with happiness and love, bringing me into a bear hug. I hugged him back, breathing in his lovely scent. He smelled like freshly brewed coffee and cookies straight out of the oven.

We pulled away from the hug, bursting with joy. "How does an all nighter anime marathon sound?" Jack asked, knowing I liked anime.

"Can we! We can buy some coffee and snacks! We can watch my favorite animes!" I started to jump up and down, making him laugh.

"Let's go get some stuff then!"

*Time skip*

We were now at home, a ton of snacks and drinks on the coffee table. We were currently watching One Punch Man, and were only on episode 5. By the way this year they're supposed to make season two of One Punch Man.

It was really late at night, and this was already the fourth anime we've watched. "Are you tired?" Jack asked, looking over at me. "Kind of. I don't sleep much and it's catching up to me." I yawned, my eyes drooping.


"Wha-" I was cut off by him grabbing me and putting me on top of him. I was now laying on Jacksepticeye, the two of us laying on the couch. "Sleep. I'm fine with this so don't worry." Jack smiled, making me blush. Our lips were only centimeters apart.

Jacks breath smelled like chocolate. I hope my breath doesn't smell bad. He looked into my eyes, his own filled with love. I blushed even more as he came closer and closer until, our lips met.

It was a long and passionate kiss, our lips moving in sync. #NSYNC Because of the need to breathe, we both pulled away blushing. "T-Thanks for the date Jack.." I smiled, laying my head on his chest. "No problem! Now sleep my little boss." He whispered smiling.

"He called me his little boss.... he actually likes me.." I thought to myself, freaking out. I smiled, closing my eyes and eventually falling asleep to the sound of Jack's heartbeat.

*Jack's p.o.v.*

I woke up, and opened my eyes to see (Y/n) on top of me. We were still on the couch and we had s blanket over the two of us. I smiled at the cute little snores she made, her hair a mess as well.

Since I didn't want to get up and wake her, I decided to use my left hand to play with her hair while the other held onto her to keep her from falling off of me.

I could do this for hours. (Y/n) is so adorable. After about a half hour or so she stirred, waking up. Her big bright (e/c) eyes stared at me as she lifted her head up. "Good morning little boss." I smoothly said, making her blush.

"H-Hi! I-I'm sorry. I'll let you get up." (Y/n) whispered. She went to get up but I pulled her back down onto me. "But you're waaaarrrmm!" I whined, not wanting her to leave.

"But I don't want to squish you Jack!" She replied, looking at me. I smirked before picking (Y/n) up bridal style, and ran to my room with her.

"What are you doing?" She asked giggling but surprised. "We're cuddling in my room. You said you didn't want to squish me. So we're going to cuddle on my bed." I replied, making her sigh while blushing.

It was starting to get light outside, but we both ended up falling asleep in each other's arms again. I kissed (Y/n)'s forehead before falling asleep again.

Though I had one question... Do we like each other??

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