Chapter 4

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Only 59 more minutes.I said to myself, walking through the balrooms door with Jason beside me.I don't know if I'm imagining things but first does he look really hot with his few day old beard.What a little bit of facial hair can do for this guy.And second is he also just smiling and waving, praying for time to move faster to.

We are standing in Jasons group of friends, his hand rest casually on the little of my back.The last people is on their way in and than there are twenty minutes left for those who are fashionably late

I see out of the conour of my eyes two girls standing a few steps away, discussing me and Jason.I was planning on ignoring them until they took a stand right in front of me and Jason.I could feel Jason taking my hand and clenching it to the point I almost hust in pain.

"Hey Jason" the girls said, totally ignoring me

"Lucy, Camela" Jack greeted back,stiffly

"Jason why don't you walk with us to the punch bar?" Camela said while trying to pull Jason's hand out of mine

Great here it comes.I should have made a plan B, for incase I get didged

"Are you blind Camela?" Jason asked hard, shocking me

Camela on the other hand looked untouched giving me a death stare then turn around and walked​ away

With Jasons hand still in mine I tried to look discreetly at the time. Just ten minutes to go.The next thing I know I'm begin pulled to the door by a strong hand in mine.

"What are you doing,there is still ten minutes left?" I asked outside the doors, leaving his hand

"Getting us away from those rich rats who thinks they​ are the people who keeps the world spinning. Screwe those last few minutes" he snapped at me

He looked at me apologitic for snapping

My expression must have told him that I know it wasn't meant for me.

He took a deep breath.Holding out his hand to me,"you want to get out of here?" He asked with a smirk

I took his hand laughing,"lead the way" I said

This is what love about summer.It is still light outside,the sun is leaning to the east a bit,but it won't be dark for another 2 hours
At the longest.

We would have walked straight to Allen's house,That is Jasons friends, but because of the way we are dressed, we took two short cuts.When I say short cuts, I mean making four blocks about nine.

We are standing in the field across Allen's yard and I can see his dad, getting some wood out the garage.

"Lets go say hi" I said, pulling Jason by hand, just to be yanked back.

I looked at Jason confused

"There's a few details,me and Allen,has failed to work out"Jason said, guesterting to Allen's dad

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