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This is for the people who are selected as a judge. There would many rounds and in each round some participants will be eliminated...... so lets give a look to judging criteria.....
u have to concentrate on title and description if its matches then that book will get points. After this u have to concentrate on description and chapter no. 1 if the description matches with chapter no.1 than that will get marks after this you have to consider grammer and vocabulary of that story also the plot....
Marks would be as follows:
:For title: 5 marks (if it catches the attraction than it will definitely carry 4 or 5 marks)
:For description: 5 marks ( if it fully explains the story than it will definitely get 4 or 5 marks)
:than comes chapter 1 which contains 5 marks (if it is very much attractive and u love its start than it will definitely get 4 or 5 marks)
: after this comes vocabulary and grammer which contains 5 Marks (if the grammer is correct abd vocabulary is good ebough to judge than it will definitely get 4 or 5 marks)
:than finally comes the ending of first chapter which contains 5 marks ( if the ending is good enough its a attractive end that  it makes compulsory for u to read next chapter than it will definitely get 4 or 5 marks)
Note:-Than finally u will pm me the marks according to this criteria..... also i will pm u the book which u will judge.......also this all is for round 1 when there would be round that i will tell criteria for that.......also from tomorrow there would some sort of competition in which there would be winners and for winners there would be some sort of prizes❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Also if u want to ask any question feel free to pm me or u can ask in this part in the comment section❤❤😄❤❤❤☺🙂

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