Chapter 13

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Chapter thirteen

Third person POV

[I mean, you have to get over her. And I'll help you in any way possible.]

Youngmin stared at the younger boy.

[I- I'm sorry but... right now- I- I mean I appreciate you helping me but I-]

[It's ok, I get it! But I'll stay by your side!] Donghyun smiled brightly.
It was that smile that made Youngmin's heart skip a beat then do a little flip.

[W-we be-better h-hurry up i-if we w-want to-] Youngmin stuttered with a slight blush.

[Yeah, let's hurry up.] Donghyun smiled again.

Youngmin opened his mouth, wanting to say something but nothing comes out.

The two picked up cans of beer for the legal aged ones and soda for the underage.

They walked back to Jinyoung's house in silence with a bag containing 10 cans each, either they have nothing to say or anything said now would be awkward.

[Gosh, that took you long enough, the convenient store is around the corner.] Jinyoung rolled his eyes as he lets the two elders in.

[Shut up or you're getting nothing.] Youngmin said with a smile as he walked past the younger.

[WAH! ALCOHOL!] Jihoon's eyes widened as they placed the bags of drinks down.

[CAN I PLEASE?!] Jihoon looked at the elders with puppy eyes.

[ sip.] Youngmin said and the rest frowns.

But before anyone could have said anything, Jihoon opened the can and took a sip.

A big sip. He squeezed his eyes shut as the bitterness rushed over.

[Is it good?] Jinyoung picked up the can while asking.

Jinyoung blurted out weird stuff as his tongue contacted the liquid.

[Come on, can't be that bad.] Woojin said as he snatched the can away from Jinyoung.

[I talk that back.] Woojin said as he gagged into the bin.

Hyungseob took the can before an adult could touch it.

[FUCK.] Hyungseob cursed before joining Woojin at the bin.

Euiwoong swiftly wrapped his lips around the can and sipped.

[I thought they were joking.] he ran to the sink and let the water wash his tongue.

[Seonho, let's bet. Keep it in for as long as you can yeah?] Guanlin whispered to Seonho while the adults are in chaos, trying to calm the half dead kids.

[Call.] Seonho said as he reached out for the can.

He took a sip then passed it to Guanlin.

It wasn't long before they both ran to the bathroom, gagging.

[Lol, I'm not going to touch that stuff.] Daehwi scoffed as he sipped on his orange soda.

[Lee Woojin, don't you even think about it.] Daniel snatched the can and gulped down the rest before Woojin could even get close to it.

[Aw!] Woojin whined then reached for a can of grape soda.

[Who's idea was it to even buy beer?] 





lol long time no see

i have been unproductive af this holiday haha

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