6th Grade

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I was excited to go on the field trip. All of sixth grade were going to this garden just by the border of Omaha. The only friend I had at the time was Eric. Well, at least till one day. I was always alone, by myself. Back then, I had only one friend(till he left to Washington)and some acquaintances but no friends. It was quite lonely. No one's ever invited me to any parties or that. I was always alone outside, and I only wished to have at least one friend. But that never really came true till i started hanging out with Eric. He seemed to listen and trust me. We were like brothers. Man, was it hot and beautiful. It was quite sunny and the flowers just bloomed too. We eventually walked to a ledge where there were trains and sat and ate lunch beside the trains. Well, two. I don't remember exactly where I sat, but Eric didn't sit by me. I was alone again and that feeling made me dark and empty inside. It was hard to smile that day after what I felt inside. Then Eric came up to me smiling, and inside I thought to myself "How can you be so happy? Why does everyone smile and laugh and I don't? I bet they're smiling and laughing because of a weirdo like me. I'm just a nobody." But then I saw Noelle. I thought she was pretty. Especially those eyes. I felt a rush of warmth and comfort, and I felt a little happy inside again. I was gonna ask Eric why he was excited, but before he could say anything, he ran away. (I thought I heard someone calling his name but wasn't sure.) I saw him with Noelle and I felt jealousy. And anger. I wished a girl liked me back. I guess I'm not that kind of person. We came back to school, and I felt mad. But it wasn't necessarily cuz I was mad at him for being with Noelle, I was mad cuz I was alone too. It was time to go home and I was thinking of her. It was her eyes, and the expression of her face that caught me most. I don't know why, but her eyes were on my mind the most. It was really weird. It was late at night and time to go to bed, and before I dozed off, the last thing I remembered was her face and her beautiful eyes. And then it went black. Bout a week later, I told him to break up with her. I was on the verge of raging. I said some things that made him think a lot. And I don't remember what it was, but I knew I regretted saying it. I felt really sorry about what I said and what I forced him to do. I felt cruel and shut myself out from everybody. Until I felt the confidence to say that I have forgiven him, and that I was sorry too. And then we was BROS. "I wish I was him" I told myself. "Maybe I'll find a girl just as pretty as Noelle."

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