Episode 8 - Was It Worth Fighting For?

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Kim: Why did we stop? 

James: We're out of gas. 

Kim: Are you serious? 

James: Shut up! 

Kim: *in anger* Move. 

Niall: Me? 

Kim: I said move! 

Niall: *gets out the car* 

Kim: *scoots to the door* 

James: Where are you going? 

Kim: I'm leaving! *gets out and walks off mad* 

James: Kim! Kim! *unbuckles and gets out the car* Kim! 

Kim: *turns around* What?! 

James: *runs to kim* 

Kim: *runs off* 

James: Hey! *runs faster and grabs onto kims arm* Hey! Look at me! 

Kim: *looks at james* So this is the new you now huh, someone you're not! *cries* What made you change James?  

James: I'm sorry babe. *hugs kim* I'm just, I haven't been getting any rest, and I'm just tired. 

Kim: Lies! *pushes james off of her* I see the way you look at Niall. Just so you know, Niall and I do not have anything going on ok! *walks back to the car* 

James: Kimberly Jane Theo! 

Kim: *ignores james* 

James: *grabs kims hand* 

Kim: *turns around and slap james* 

James: *gets upset* 

Harry: *gets out the car quick and runs to kim* Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. What is going on? 

Kim: I can't deal with him anymore! *walks off* 

Harry: Dude? *looks at james* 

James: *sitting on the ground* Just leave it. *gets up and walks back to the car* 

Kim: Let's go, we can't stay here anymore. 

Perrie: *getting out the car* How are we gonna travel? 

Kim: By feet. 

Perrie: But I'm in heels. 

Kim: *looks at Perrie and then her heels* Why would you wear heels on this kind of day or time. Do you not know what we are in?! If walkers come, we all are running! We're not gonna stop for you Perrie! 

Zayn: Hey, don't talk to her that way ok, no one knew this was gonna happen. 

Kim: What? The world was gonna end with zombies?!  

Zayn: *gets furious* Today! No one fuckin knew your cheap truck was gonna break down on us today! 

Kim: It's not my car, and I would careless about it. You guys came with us, you can leave on your own again. *walks off* 

Perrie: Bitch. 

Kim: *turns around and attacks Perrie* 

Zayn: Babe! *pulls kim off* 

Perrie: *gets up and attacks kim* 

Zayn: *falls to the ground with kim* 

James: Kim! *runs to kim* 

Zayn: Stop! *trying to get up and stop the girls* 

James: *grabs onto Perrie and smacks her*  

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