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Sean Pov

Me: So your staying here tonight?

Dori: Yeah I have too because Seth invited me to stay.

Me: So this is what we're doing now?

Dori: I guess so even without taking my medicine I still remember you sleeping with a bunch of girls like I was nothing. So I can hangout with other guys you don't own me.

Me: This isn't a competition you just looking like a hoe.

Dori: If I'm a hoe what does that make you? How many girls do you have? 23 girlfriends and I was one of them at one point. I'm done with you playing with my emotions because you don't have any.

Me: You know what I don't even care run off to Seth I don't even give a damn. There's a reason why I left you anyway who wants to deal with some mentally retarded chick who doesn't know what day it is all the time? I dodge a bullet with you anyway you wasn't giving it up anyway. I only was there for you because you are an embarrassment to your family and this island so I was like let me do everyone a favor and talk to you because it was getting kinda pathetic.

Finn: A little harsh don't you think? Are you alright mam.

Me:(whispers) let me guess you slobbing his knob too? Everything is alright Finn why are you even here?

Finn: If you haven't noticed we are st the brisk of a war and your father has called a meeting with all the nations.

Dori: All the nations?

Well this has just gotten interesting we'll see how her father and brother feel about her being here without their permission.

Me: Well why have them wait lets go.

He said pulling through the halls of the palace. I always wondered why he doesn't go to his palace it's bigger than this one but he doesn't invite his thots to his house.

Dori: I should go find Seth I wouldn't want him to worry.

Me: Get off his dick why don't you and get on mine.

Dori: I would but I don't want to catch nothing from your 23 girlfriends.

Me: And how many guys you got now, let me see Seth, Finn, who else it's probably more.

Dori: You see I'm not one of your hoes I actually have standards. Your dealing with sluts and home wreckers.

Me: Don't bash them it takes two to tango.

Dori: I see you still defending your bitches and you're right it does take two to tango but it takes the woman  to open their legs. Look I'm done talking to you because I know you're going to bring my pressure up and I can't today.

Seth: There you are the dinner is about to start I was looking everywhere for you. Why don't you go get out seats I have to check up on something real quick.

Dori: Alright.

She said leaving the room to the dinner, I still can't believe that she's hanging with Seth of all people like what the fuck is this. Talk about downgrading your morals. He's as problematic as they come but because I slept with 2 or 8 women I'm the bad guy. No that just makes me a horny guy she wasn't giving anything up so y'all expect me to stay with an inexperienced girl.

Me: I thought you had somewhere to go?

Seth: I know it was you who messed with that barrier.

Me: You caught me? I guess listen I'm not afraid of you Seth please. You gonna run and tell the congregation?

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