<Your Best Friend>

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Name:"You know me friendo!"(Rose)
Age:"Well im 18"
Gender:"*Giggles*Female of course"
Looks:"Look up top bud"
Wears:"Same as last time"
Personality:"Uh Okay?"(Perky,Sweet,Creative,Dancer,Bored easily,blushes easily,shy at times)
Sexuality:"Your getting way to personal..."(Straight)
Likes:"You as a friend,Hugs,Piano lessons,Swimming,Martial Arts,Winter time,Spending time with family"
Dislikes:"None of course you know me!"
Crush:"Oh! I uh dont have one"
Turns on:"Wait what?"(Tail rubbing,ear rubbing,body rubbing,hugs,Dirty Talk,'Toys',Pole Dancing,Vibraton)
Turns off:"Whaaa...?"(Blood,Gore,Rough,)
You and Rose were best friends till the end as you spot her talking with another male furry and noticing thats her brother as her brother noticed you

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