Banded Together (Part 1)♡JM

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(Band AU)

"Jenna. I still don't think I should go," I told my friend as she dragged me to her car. Jenna laughed and stuffed me in the back seat with Christine in the passenger's seat.

"Very funny, Jer. You need to go out more often and you barely ever hang out with my friends."

She was right. I didn't get out of the house for a real outing (school doesn't count).

"And going out to get some ramen isn't going to help you in your case." I stayed quiet as Christine talked our ears off about a town play that she wanted to audition for. Apparently, they're making a play about someone who takes a pill to be cool. The only way to defeat them was with an old 90's drink. Who would even do that? Right?

I tuned her out as I stared out the window of Jenna's car. We passed buildings and trees, nothing really interesting when she pulled up at a bar.

We all climbed out of the car and got in with ease.

"Don't worry about age restrictions, I come here often with Brooke and Chlo. We won a bet so now they won't check who we bring in... unless they look like they wanna burn a house down. I promise you, it took a while to get Rich in here. Geeze."

She led us over to a booth and we sat down as we all ordered. Since I wasn't a drinker, Jenna ordered something for me. She promised me that it wasn't going to have MUCH alcohol. But who knows when it comes to Jenna.

"Hey, guys!" We looked over at Jake. He waved at us and made his way through the packed room.

"Guess which band performing tonight!" He pumped a fist into the air as Rich appeared next to him. He wrapped an arm around his boyfriend.

"Cool! Jeremy is here. Did you come to see us play?" Rich asked.

He cut me off before I could say anything. "Of course you did! Who wouldn't want to hear Tempted Boom!"

"Hey," Jenna interjected. "Didn't you guys say that your old drummer had to leave?"

Rich smiled. "Yeah. After asking around and a few auditions, we finally got a new one. He actually rearranged the song that we're going to play today. Panic! At the Disco, man!"

Jake checked his phone before heading off. "See you guys later!" The two waved and hurried off before we could ask them any further questions.

We all looked at each other and our drinks finally came. Jenna handed me a shot glass and poured some weird concoction into the glass. Hesitantly, I took the shot. It tasted sweet with a sour undertone but tasted pretty good.

The lights dimmed and the crowd cheered as Tempted Boom came on the stage. Jake was the lead singer with the bass, Rich was the lead guitarist, Kurt, worked the second guitar, and Connor had the launchpad and the other button things.

My eyes landed on the new drummer. He was wearing a red jacket that had a big white stripe and a black stripe on it. Under his jacket, he wore a black shirt that said in white words, I would prefer not to. The drummer had black pants and white shoes. Looking at him, he had caramelly-chocolatey colored skin which looked very soft. His eyes were a brown and he had glasses on his face. His hair was a curly black mess which I wanted to run my hair through. To square it up: he was super hot and ohmigosh I'm bi.

I listened to the band play the remix that he did and watched him the whole time. Our eyes locked and he smirked at me but kept playing. My face turned a dark shade of red which was visible against my pale, freckled skin. He looked at me every now and then. On his face, I could see a small blush on his face and he smiled at me. He returned the gesture and they kept playing.

"Oooooh! Is Jeremy looking at the new drummer~?" Jenna cooed which brought me back to reality.
"W-what do y-you mean?" I stuttered out.

"He's totally into you! Go and talk to him!" Christine said as I quickly shook my head.
"H-he probably doesn't e-even like me." The two looked at each other and laughed.

"He is really into you. Go!" I ignored them and listened as they played their last song and walked off the stage. The drummer was heading my way. I turned back to them and they supported me to talk to him. I stood up and made my way over to him.

"H-hey," I stuttered out blushing madly. He smiled at me.

"I saw you watching me," the drummer said as I kept blushing.

Out of nowhere, I blurted something out to him. "I think you look really nice and that I really like you even though I met you and I'm sorry I don't have a rose to give but I still think you are amazing and you also look really nice and I love your hair and eyes. I said too much!" Mentally, I scolded myself for rambling about him to him.

I heard him laugh and he took my hand in his warm one. He was blushing as he talking to me. "If you really think so, how about I give you my number? We can meet up somewhere. Y'know... just the two of us if you want?" No words came out of my mouth. I squeaked a little but finally regained myself.

"I-I'd love to but... wouldn't you call t-that a d-date?"

"Well, it can be whatever you want. But we can call it a date if you want to go on one with me."

"S-sure." My voice sounded a few pitches higher.

"Here." He took a piece of paper from his pocket and wrote down something and handed it to me. "Text or call me so we can arrange this later. I gotta go. Jake wanted to talk to me after our performance. I just bought a few minutes to talk to you." I helplessly nodded at him.

"I'll see you later, right?"

"Y-yeah!" He gave me a beautiful smile as he leaned close.

"I hope that you call me tonight, Jeremy." His breath sent shivers down my spine. He turned and left but stopped and looked back at me."By the way, the name's Michael." He left me there breathless with no words to describe what just happened.

A perfect name to match the perfect person he is.

I felt someone touch my shoulder, I jumped and looked back at the person which turned to be Jenna. She was grinning like crazy.

"You got his number! I think we all know who is going on a date!"

Haha. The title. The pun. All pun and joy, you know. Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow me!


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