Halloween in the creepypasta

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Cancer: Hoodie- eating Halloween cheesecake with Libra and Masky

Aries: Pinkamena- out and partying

Taurus: lost silver- trick or treat

Gemini: Trenderman-- making Halloween costumes for everyone

Leo: Sally- with Pisces and bloody painter carving out pumpkins

Virgo: Jeff the killer- jump scaring little children but accidentally scared lost silver got beat up by Taurus (but you Virgo got off the hook)

Libra: Masky- eating Halloween cheesecake

Scorpio: Homicidal Liu/Sully trick or treating with Taurus and lost silver

Sagittarius: laughing Jack- stealing little kids candy

Capricorn: Judge angel- judging peoples costume

Aquatics:kago- drinking some wine

Pisces: Bloody painter- carving out pumpkins

Creepypasta zodiacOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora