You Surprise Him On Tour

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~Rye = Rye has been on tour for a while you miss him to bits and you know he misses you to bits too so you make up a plan with Andy to surprise him in the next place they are at, you stay outside of the dressing room until Andy texts you to come in, you walk up behind Rye and put your arms around him and say heya babe he gets up in shock and grabs you and kisses you.

~Brooklyn = Brooklyn has been missing you a lot on tour, Rye ran you to ask you to come to the next place they are at because Brooklyn is annoying him and the other boys by being down all of the time and  whining because he misses you obviously you said you would because missed him a lot too, when you arrived he was so happy to see you and he was no long down and whining.

~Andy = Blair flew you out to the state they was in in America because he hated seeing Andy down because he misses you, Andy was so happy to see you and when it came to leaving to go back home he refused to let you go so you missed your flight.

~Mikey = You contact Blair asking him if you could come and surprise Mikey because you missed him and Blair said yes you could because he knew Mikey missed you too.

~Jack = Mikey contacted you asking you to fly out to the place they was on tour to next because Jack missed you so much this was your first time being away from each other for so long and you missed him too so you agreed to do it.

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