The Eating

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So we start editing and begin eating. I finish 10 wings first.

I pick up the 2 liter bottle of coke and take a couple big chugs because I was feeling dAnGeRoUs. It didn't even make me feel any different. Sam did the same thing.

We repeat this a couple more times. Sam was slowing down just a little every time.

We finished editing the collab videos and we didn't bother with editing our personal videos right now. We both agreed that we need a break to just watch something on Netflix.

I just finished my 40th wing and I feel full. I was starting to fell a little over full. Sam was in worse shape than me. He was leaned back with his pants unbuttoned. His eyes were closed. He had both hands on his stomach. His abs were gone.

I tapped Sam on the shoulder and said, "hey dude, are you okay? Did you eat too much?"

All he did was moan and shake his head yes.

"I almost feel like I could eat the 10 you have left and the 10 I have left though." I continued. I don't know what I'm saying right now. I could never pull this off.

"Knock yourself out. I cannot eat anymore. I think I'm just gonna head to my room and lay down. Might take a nap or something. You can stop by when your done and we can suffer together in the gaming room." He said as he got up and collected his stuff.

"Okay man. Hope you feel better before I'm worse than you." I responded as I slipped my shirt off. Luckily I was wearing sweat pants so I don't have to worry about unbuttoning them.

You see, now that I told myself I should try to eat the remaining wings, I have to now. I have to complete this. This is not going to end well at all.

I put on a "Friends" marathon and begin eating once again. I kept drinking the coke every so often, thinking it would help make more room when I burped.

I ate 5 more wings and felt a little more full. My stomach is beginning to raise. It was just over the edge of my pants. It hurt. My abs were also gone.

I was almost finished with 10 more wings, surprisingly, when suddenly my stomach started to gurgle and bubble. I could feel all of the food moving and digesting. Ouch.

I squeezed my eyes shut and grabbed my stomach. I moaned and hunched over. I felt like I was going to throw up. But it was just a big burp. It help me feel slightly better. I felt like I could finish the 5 and a half wings I had left. Before I began again though, I took a chug of the coke.

I was down to the last chicken wing. I was leaned back, had one hand layed over my stomach and was slowly finishing, finally.

It started to make painful noises again. Oh no. I got up and ran to the bathroom. I just burped again. I looked at myself in the mirror. I am so bloated. My stomach is at least an inch larger than it was before. It was almost the size of a softball or a baseball.

I headed up to Sam's room. I walked in to find him sleeping in his bed. No covers and in the same clothes. I gently shook him awake. I rubbed my stomach in a circle gently as I did this. It hurt so bad.

"Hmm? Colby? Did you finish?" He asked as he rolled over, "I can tell you I feel a lot better." He continued.

*keep in mind a little over two hours had passed when Sam went to sleep*

"Yeah I did. I'm miserable now dude. My stomach hurts so bad. I mean look at how bloated I am." I said as I turned to the side.

I sat on his bed. I layed down. I supported my head with one of my arms and rubbed my stomach with my other hand.

"Dude I can't believe you ate 60 of those. I struggled eating 30 of them. You doubled what I ate. No wonder why you're in so much pain." As he said that my stomach gurgled and bubbled once more. I burped 2 more times. It felt no better. Ugh.

"Dude it hurts even worse when it makes noises. I can feel all of the food moving around and trying to digest." I said as my eyes were closed. I am trying my hardest to relax.

Continue reading for part 3!

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