Chapter Seven

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One hour,

60 minutes,

3600 seconds.

That's how long I lay wide awake. I stared at the white ceiling, unmoving. The scenes of the day kept rolling through my mind like a torturing spool of film. Frame after frame. A hot tear rolled down my left cheek but I didn't make an effort to brush it away, instead allowing it to fall soundlessly onto the thin mattress covered in scratchy, white sheets beneath me.

I couldn't get him out of my head.


The man, General Kane, wore a tight frown and cold eyes. When he barged through the door into the room we were all in, he didn't even spare a second glance at Kaylie's condition. Instead, he just began his speech.

"My name is General Kane." His voice was harsh and raspy in his throat. "I will be leading most of you into the war. Those who will not be in my section will be in another section, and you will be doing your part to support our cause in the war."

His eyes flicked around the room to meet each of the men in fatigues'. "Officers, training for these soldiers will take place tomorrow. They will be considered Round Seven along with the other waiting soldiers. Take them to their rooms." He smiled down at us, but it was the type of smile a wolf would give a dumb pig before inviting it inside. "I know they're very tired from their journey."

Kaylie exhaled a wheezy sigh next to me and I stood up straighter, clearing my throat. "Sir, uh, General Kane, sir."

Fourteen heads snapped over in my direction and I felt my cheeks instantly flush. My pulse kicked up a notch but when General Kane didn't say anything, I continued cautiously.

"General Kane, I wanted to make a request due to a fellow soldier's fragile condition. Soldier, uh, Kaylie is sick and I wanted to ask if she could have medical assistance she needs, please." I cleared my throat again from the small knot forming. "Sir."

General Kane dropped his bald head and gave a slight chuckle. I almost smiled myself, happy that I didn't receive an angered or upset reaction. But then, slowly, almost tauntingly, he walked over to me.

"What is your name?"

"Amber." My voice was strong, unwavering and I stared straight into his eyes. They were light blue, darkened around the edges.

"Amber, lesson number one: do not speak unless spoken to. Lesson number two: do not make requests." His voice was a scorpion smoothly sliding over the desert sand, tail up and ready to strike on any unsuspecting prey.

"I-" I started but squealed out in fear when his hand shot up like lightning and brought down just as fast. Someone gasped, a few of the soldiers laughed. I blinked stupidly when there was no crack of skin against skin, no sting of pain.

"Consider that a warning." General Kane straightened his jacket, adjusting the medals that peppered the dark cloth. "Any other requests?"

At the unnerving silence, his smile grew and he stepped away from the doorway. "Very well then. You are dismissed to your rooms."


The other Misfits had rooms right down the hall from mine, but still, they seemed so far away. The soldiers had each brought us into our own rooms. They had showed each of us where to find the provided pajamas and uniforms, and the closet sized bathroom we each had. And when the ropes that bound us were cut, we were alone.

Alone while we each rubbed our raw wrists.

Alone while we wondered, cried, and thought.

Alone while we were scared, angry, and anxious.

Alone in the time where we needed the comfort of each other the most.

At the orphanage, there was never a time when I felt so alone. There was always Debbie's wise words. Sam's welcoming arms and Irine's humor. Lauren's annoying attitude that always made me smile. Thomas's playfulness and James's ears that always listened. Kaylie's innocence.

But now there was none of that, only goosebumps on skin under thin sheets. Hugging my knees for a small dose of comfort.

Tomorrow we would hear the purpose of our fight, the reason of why we would be laying down our lives for people we didn't even know. The Commander, or whatever name it was, would be telling us the cause. As we stood, stiff and unbreathing, alone, in a crowd full of unfamiliar faces.

Debbie always used to say to be grateful for what we had because it's the small things in life that mean the most. I feel ridiculous now to truly understand the weight behind her words.

Because no matter what we did at home, no matter what fight we had picked, how much trouble we were in, we were together. We had each other to rely on and someone else's shoulder to cry on, and there was always tomorrow's sunrise to look forward to. To bring new and spontaneous adventures, new memories.

But we were robbed of that. Debbie was gone and we were here. Alone. In the dark. I could only imagine how the others felt. That thought alone brought wave upon wave of tears. They burned my nose like the fire and wrapped invisible hands around my throat, making it impossible to gasp for air. My body scrunched up like an accordion and my hands shook. I turned onto my stomach and pressed my face into the pillow, screaming as loud as I could as hard as I could. Screaming and crying until my chest rattled and my throat ran raw. Whether my muffled screams were for self-pity, loathing, anger, sadness, or fear, I don't know. It was for all of those reasons, I guess.

When I had finally exhausted myself, I peeled myself away from the rough fabric. Tears, snot, and spit stained the pillowcase. When I tried to wipe them away, they just smeared and spread out along the pillow.

So I flipped the pillow over and dried my eyes. I knew I couldn't be like this, it wouldn't do any good for me or the others. I needed to be strong. Strong, bold, and courageous for what was to come.

I was going to face whatever they threw at me with a steel heart and irritating smirk. Because that's what they threw at me.


thank you so much for reading! I know this chapter wasn't as action packed as some of the others, but what'd you think?

what were some of the thoughts running through your head? some of the emotions you felt, listening to Amber?

as always, keep reading! vote, comment, and share with your friends!


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