The First Attack

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The war had been over for a few months, and Phantom and Sunny had been dating since a little while before the war actually ended.

Soon, there would be a wedding for Sunny and Phantom! Everyone was excited, and when I say everyone, I mean mainly the young ones.

Sunny told Phantom all about the wedding plans, and Phantom listened with a half smile on his face. He liked when she got excited over it.

Except, not everything went as planned on the day of the wedding. Tulip was the first to be attacked.

Tulip hadn't been doing much, she was mostly running around and doing little things for Phantom, Sunny, and Marigold, since she had nothing else to do. She'd steal a little bit of food pretty much anytime she passed it, but not enough that anyone would notice, and wrapped up a few cranberries to annoy Marigold with later.

Suddenly, she was yanked into a supply closet. The closet was in an empty hallway, so no one would have noticed her being yanked in the closet. People in nearby rooms would've heard her yelp, but no one thought much of it. After all, it was supposed to be an exciting day!

Tulip looked up to see who had pulled her into the supply closet. It was a boy. She instantly noticed his bright red hair and smiled slightly. "Aaron? What's up?"

The boy's eyes were closed, but she knew before he even opened them that something wasn't right. When he opened his eyes, she stepped back.

They weren't their normal color.

His irises were a terrifying dark red, the color of blood.

"You're not...!" She went to shout, but the boy placed a hand over her mouth to stop her.

"My, Tulip. What a smart girl you are!" The voice wasn't right, either. It was a woman's voice!

There was a cloud of smoke, and he grew a little taller. His hair lost all it's color and turned pitch black, then began to grow longer and curl up. His chest and hips grew and curved. His face curved and rounded. His nails grew pointed to look a bit like claws, and they were painted black. His clothes changed into a pure black dress with a tear in the skirt where you could see a smooth, pale leg. Needless to say, he wasn't a he anymore, and the she standing before her looked nothing like Aaron.

Fury stood before Tulip with her usual smirk. "Hm. What a happy day! Gosh, I'm so excited, and yet a little nervous too...!"

Tulip wore a seething glare as she spoke. Her words were muffled through Fury's hand and incoherent.

Fury removed her hand. "Oh, I'm sorry. What was that?" She asked with a mocking tone.

"Why the Hell would a monster like you be excited and nervous?!" Tulip smirked. "Phantom doesn't love you. He's getting married today. You've lost, bitch!"

Fury smiled. "Oh, well, as you put it, a monster like myself is always excited and nervous when they're about to crash a wedding!" The woman giggled.

Tulip shook her head. "No, you're not about to crash a wedding."

"Oh, and you're going to stop me?" Fury laughed. "Oh, Darling, that's pitiful."

Tulip glared at her again. "I swear, I'll destroy you...! You won't screw this up for anyone!"

Fury smirked. "Oh, Darling." A knife materialized in Fury's hand. "We'll just have to see about that!" She thrust the knife into Tulip's stomach.

Tulip gasped and collapsed to the floor, holding her wound. This wasn't supposed to hurt! The pain was supposed to be bouncing off of her and onto Fury! Why wasn't it bouncing off?

"Hah! You thought I'd be stupid enough to stab you with a normal knife? Oh, please. This is a very special knife. If someone stops you from bleeding out, then you'll only fall asleep. And when you wake up, you'll have false memories! Say goodbye to all your friends. Especially that red-head boy, the Freake." She giggled again. "Oh, God, is it fun to be evil!"

Fury morphed again. Now she looked like Tulip. Her eyes were still red, and she wasn't bleeding, but other than that, she was an exact replica. She left the closet and closed the door. Tulip could still hear Fury's laughter from down the hall.

"They'll know the difference! They know my voice!" Tulip screamed from the closet. "They know my eyes! You won't get away with this, you bitch!" No one heard her. Fury had cast a spell on the walls. They were sound-proof, since Fury knew better than to risk the chance of someone hearing Tulip's screams.

But either way, Fury was already gone, and Tulip knew it was hopeless as her tears fell and her eyes closed. She wouldn't remember anything real.

Of course, it wasn't very long until Marigold had an awful, gut-wrenching feeling and went to go find Tulip. She checked with Aaron and Alex, since Tulip liked hanging out with them, and when they both said they hadn't seen her, she went to look around. They decided to help.

Her terrible feeling returned when she passed a supply closet door. She set her hand on the knob and silently pulled the door open. When she saw her twin sister with a knife sticking out of her stomach, she screamed.

Alex and Aaron both appeared from around a corner when Marigold screamed. She began to cry. They ran over and peered into the closet. A few people opened their doors and peeked out, but when they saw three teenagers staring into a closet, they all figured they'd seen weirder, so most of them just closed their doors.

Marigold kneeled in front of Tulip and pulled her close. She checked her pulse. Faint, but still there. "Oh, Tulip... Why'd you have to go and get stabbed...?" she mumbled.

Aaron sat on his knees beside them. "Is she gonna be okay...?" He asked quietly.

Marigold pulled Tulip's body closer. "I don't know...! Get Moon!"

Alex nodded and ran off. Marigold stared at the knife, which was blurry from her tears. She recognized it from somewhere, she just wasn't sure where.

And suddenly, it clicked.

Marigold gasped. "Aaron, watch her until they get here." She passed Tulip over to Aaron, and he gently brushed the hair out of Tulip's face.

Marigold stood up and ran from the supply closet. Her dress had Tulip's blood-stains on it, but she didn't care at the moment. She didn't have time to care that her dress was stained. She wouldn't have time to worry about that at all, not for today.

Marigold started to run down the hallway, but stopped quickly and pulled off her heels. She hid them in a nearby rubber plant. Then, she disappeared.




Chapter One! Yes, there are multiple chapters on a freaking wedding. Wooooooo. So, yeah, I hope you enjoyed! The next chapter will (hopefully) be posted soon!

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