How they both met

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Dedicated to M

As she turned up the Door knob

She saw a Beautiful Face. But he was

Lying in a Hospital Bed. He was full of

Distraught, Sadness and Obviously he

Was feeling a Pain in his Chest. He had

Wires all over him,

With a Clicking-Sound-Thingy beside

Him. He really looks like he's in Pain.

Well, He is

She had heard he's only had 3 years,

To live.

He was just a Stranger, But she felt like

He has known him forever

She knew his name

She'll never forget this. She thought.

And as she turned the Knob, She didn't

Bid goodbye. She didn't leave anything.

And she regret that night, Until now.

She's worried, That maybe

She'll never see him again

That maybe he'll see him,

But only his grave

- A letter for M

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