princey boy doesnt want a body guard

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*Prince Seth's POV*

"Dad I don't need a body-guard, isn't their castle already like, super fortified?"I sighed, leaning back into a passenger seat of the ship.

"Seth. We've been over this, until I've consulted with the Galra king and i can assure traveling is safe, you must have a body-guard",

he gazes out the windows glazing over some rocks and space junk floating by, and sighs.

"Plus you are royalty and safety precautions are always necessary."

I groan internally,great.

Ill have to deal with another attendant or solider tailing me wherever i go.

Dad and i arrive shortly in Lethinia, the capital of the Galra empire. I step out of the white and silver sleek ship, inspecting the glow of the purple lights lining the gun-metal coloured docks and high ceilings.

Dad steps forward to speak with a nearby attendant, he is a thin man with short stubby ears and a rushed look about himself.

"Your majesty, the rooms and resources for you and your son are ready for your disposal, as well as your meeting with the king being organized and planned."

he rushes out in a high nasally voice.

He adjusts tugs at his collar lightly before continuing,"allow me to escort you to your rooms and assist you in getting comfortable."

"Thank you Neo, i appreciate the king agreeing to meet and discuss the recent events, I look forward to my time here."

dad replies quaintly and simply.

"Shall we go?" he beckons down the long glowing hall lined with Galra soldiers on guard ready to defend their guest.

"Yes! Yes we shall your majesty!" Neo pipes back up, already starting to scurry down the hall.

His shoes make a click-clack sound as he walks, is he wearing like, heels or something?

I catch up to my father and Neo admiring the architecture of the castle, its sleek and familiar designs, reminiscent of Altean technology and architecture.

Soon we arrive at a door, lined with the signature purple lights and two strongly built guards, baring small blasters in hand.

"This, is your room prince. Your personal body-guard is awaiting inside, ready to brief you on any questions you may have about the estate or area." Neo states,

"please don't be afraid to use his service. And your majesty--"

Neo fades out as he quickly stated pacing down the rest of the hall leaving me behind, my father just behind him. I run my hand along the edge of the sleek cold metal, watching the door slide open after scanning me.

Inside reveals a large bed filled with pillow, a desk, and a closet of sorts, plus the ominous figure standing near the window looking outside.

Wait what?

It must be my body-guard, but why is he not at attention like the rest of the guards?

I cough, alerting him of my presence, he whips around in a startled way and quickly straightens up noticing that the Prince is in the room.

"Prince Seth -- sir, i'm pleased to meet you." he bows lightly, still standing at attention.

" My name is Lucas Kianma and i will be your body-guard for your time here in Lethenia,"he trails off his big fluffy ears dipping slightly.

I approach him, his fluffy hair and bangs falling in his face even when he rapidly pushes it away, it only falls back once again. He's a bit taller than me too and by a bit i mean only like. 4 inches, but close enough right?

He catches me inspecting him.



"Yes Kianma?"

"Are you alright? Also please call me Lukas, sir."

I avert my eyes, running a hand through my hair,

"yes I am fine, thank you for your concern."

His eyes are like a light yellow topaz colour, bright and warm and piercing. Certainly striking against his dark gala uniform and dark hair and fur.

I take a breath.

"Thank you for your service, you are excused for the night."

I need some alone time, and some sleep.

" I'm sorry sir but I can't do that." he cuts into my thoughts,

"my orders are to remain at your side at all times but i can move to being outside your door instead of in your quarters if you so wish."

I glare.

Thanks dad, now i'm not gonna be able to relax.

Lucas stares back at me, firmly standing his ground.

I sigh,"then do so, Kianma."

My voice is firm, im not in the mood for games right now.

Lukas moves quietly out of the room."Yes sir."The door closes and he's gone, I can still feel his lingering presence but he's out of my room. I flop down on the bed pushing some of the pillows displayed on it to the floor and rolling in the soft blankets atop it.

nice and soft, there's perks being a prince I suppose.

I yawn, maybe this won't be too bad after all.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Sep 02, 2017 ⏰

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