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Finally! My awful case of flu disappeared. My family are very happy for me,as they can finally get back to their normal life. Although I got all better, Mom and Dad still insist me to stay indoors. I played puzzles and tried to keep up with the schoolwork. I bounced on my bed and ate sushi takeaways. But still, it was the most boring day ever!!!

Until.......Mom cried 'Ahhhhhh......I forgot about the tickets !'

"What about them?" I asked, quite annoyed that my mum disturbed me in the middle of my puzzle game.

"The tickets to Disney, don't you wanna go, silly?' Mum said, surprised at my reaction.

"Sorry......So, when are we going to Disney?"I wondered "Now!!! Quick, pack your bags and kindly help Stanely with his. I'll go get your Dad to start the family car. Move it! " Mum exclaimed as she ran to get Dad.

Be back with you in a second, Mum is pounding on my bedroom door so hard, it's gonna EXPLODE !!! :(

Bye for now! " Coming Mum !"

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