Chapter 22- Still Listening

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I opened an eye to welcome the red tinged sky of an early morning. I yawned and sat up I my warm bed. I listened to my joints click as I stretched; I sighed and rubbed my hands over my face. I slid off the bed and padded gently across the carpeted floor towards the bathroom. I looked at the smashed mirror in front of me, and saw the dried blood dotted across the sink and floor. I sighed heavily, I listened out across the mental battlefield, which was this ship to finally find Loki’s symphony. I gave another sigh and began to clear away the dried blood and smashed glass. I carefully pulled away the broken mirror from the wall where it was hooked and laid it in the bath along with the pieces of glass which were covered in my blood. I looked down into the sink to see long and thin shards of glass sitting there clean, and blood free.

 I gently picked each piece up and transferred them over to the bath. I looked at the shower unit to see that was the only blood less area, and then I looked down at the floor to see the large drops of blood which spattered from my hand, as I sat there last night. I sighed and pulled away my night clothes. I threw them back into the bed room and stepped into the shower listening to Loki’s song. I pulled my nails over my scalp, pulling away the knots in my hair; I sighed and rinsed my hair. I pulled my body out of the warm shower as I knocked it off.

I towelled dried my hair causing strands of my black hair to twist into ringlets. I patted dry the rest of my body and began to get dressed. I listened to Loki as his song continued; it was hypnotic and relaxing as I worried about him. I pulled on a lace bra and a matching pair of briefs and pulled a black silk shirt over my shoulders. I buttoned it up as I walked over to my phone; I unlocked it and searched through the only library I cared about, my music library. “Breath of life By Florence + the machine.” Began to play, I sighed out happily as I pulled a pair of red tartan jeans over my legs. I opened my wardrobe and found my ankle boots.

I laced them up and grabbed my phone and my ear phones. The strong and empowering music spurred me on as I walked down the halls of this enormous ship. I walked into the dining hall to find Thor getting an early start, but this time he wasn’t eating with his usual zeal he just sat there and prodded it. I walked over to him and sat in front of him.

“Thor?” he looked at me with his stormy blue eyes, and sighed.

“It’s Loki, he’s alive, but he doesn’t seem to be waking up any time soon Liberty.” It was like a punch to the chest. I held my breath as the blow settled leaving an overwhelming feeling of hopelessness. “Banner checked his brain for any sort of activity, there is some there but, banner described it as a comatose state.” I gave a shaky sigh as tear soon welled up in my eyes.

“But I can hear him, he’s humming.” Thor looked at me with a confused expression.

“What do you mean humming?” I looked down and hummed it mentally. I looked up at Thor as he began to hear the lullaby Loki produced from me.

“Our mother used to sing that to us, he must not remember the words.” He chuckled and pushed away the cold food that sat in front of him. Tears spilled over my cheeks and dripped lightly onto the table in front of me, as we listened, from Loki to me to Thor.

We sat there for a while in what some people would call silence, but to us we were listening to the gentle lullaby of Loki. Tears continued to roll over my tear stained cheeks as the pain of the idea that I will never hear Loki speak to me, or never feel Loki hold me again, made the hole in my chest grow tenfold, and that growing void was quickly filling with pain. Suddenly Nick Fury marched into the hall,

“He’s escaped, I don’t know how, but we will find him.” Both I and Thor pulled away from our own mental world to look at the flustered Nick Fury.

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