Chapter 4

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Pure fluff in this one guys!

The trio left the room, Hunk still carrying Keith, and Lance beside them. They could tell Keith was sleepy, and it was adorable. The three of them went into the training room, where Hunk and Lance were yet to finish. They put Keith into the observation deck, but he once again refused, his separation anxiety getting the best of him. Not knowing what else to do, they carried him to Shiro.
"Shiro..?" Hunk asked carefully, not knowing how he would react to them coming to his room, and asking him to, I guess, babysit.
Shiro turned from his desk to look at them, frowning slightly when he saw Keith.
"What did you need boys?"
"Would you be able to take Keith for us..? Just for a little, so we can finish training," Lance said, his lips curled downward "he doesn't want to be left alone.."
Shiro stood and walked over to them, then held out his arms to take Keith.
"Sure thing"
Hunk hesitantly hands over his boyfriend, and says:
"Bring him to us if you need to, if he starts getting... needy"
Keith whines but grips onto Shiro, preferring his boyfriend, but he's okay with Shiro, for now.
Hunk kisses the side of Keith's head.
"Just ask Shiro if you need anything, okay sweetie?" He got a nod in reply.
Lance steps forward, and brushes Keith's hair from his face, then kisses his forehead.
"We'll be back soon baby, promise" and then the both of them leave Keith with Shiro.
A scared whine leaves Keith's throat, as he tries to follow after them.
"Keith, they've just gone to finish training, they'll be back soon" Shiro hushes, setting Keith down on his bed. Tears spring to Keith's eyes and he grips onto Shiros waist, then Keith presses his face into Shiros belly.

Realizing he'll not be able to put Keith down, Shiro grabs a book and settles in the bed, Keith cuddling into his side.

Shiro notices Keith fighting against sleep.
"Keith, if you're tired, sleep. I'll wake you up when they get back" calmly said, as Shiro runs his fingers through Keith's hair.

After lulling Keith to sleep, Shiro goes back to his book.

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