Chapter 5: Truths

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Ash's point of view:

Ruby looks at the doctor then at us and says "guys the doctor is my dad." Sapphire, Emerald and I gasp at this. I was thinking so hard on how I wouldn't get to date Ruby, but especially now after she says that. As all of these thoughts race through me I don't hear what Ruby is saying next. I  think that if Ruby's dad wasn't the doctor I might have a chance, but now that her dad is a time lord I have no chance. I zone back in when Ruby asks me "Ash are you okay?" I look at her and say "what? oh yeah sorry I was thinking about something." I hear Ruby laugh again. God her laugh is so pretty I can't stand it. When I start walking away I hear Ruby stop laughing.

Ruby's point of view: 

I see Ash walking away so I stop laughing. I ask Ash "where are you going?" He doesn't respond so I run after Ash. He turns a corner and I turn the corner and ask "What's wrong Ash?" As I grab his wrist I turn him around and see his eyes were red and tears coming down his face. He is crying. I ask again "What's wrong Ash?" He finally responds "just wondering about my parents." He is looking everywhere except at me so I know he is lying. I finally decide to ask one more time. "Ash seriously what's wrong? You can tell me anything." He hesitates, but finally he says "I was thinking about my love life and how the girl I am falling in love with I  will never be able to get." I look at him and ask "and who is this girl?" He sighs and says "I don't want to talk about it." I let his wrist go and he walks into his room.

I walk back over to the cortex where my dad is putting the doors back on with Emeralds help. Sapphire sees me and asks "what's up with Ash?" I look at her and sigh saying "he is crying because the girl he loves he can't get with." It is weird and not really like Ash. Emerald overhears me and says "I will go talk to him." I shake my head and say "I think we should give him some space." She nods her head and continues helping my dad. It is sad to watch Ash walk away so sad. I can't believe he is crying. Maybe I should go motivate him to take a risk and ask this girl out. Maybe I'll do that later for now I go to help my dad with the doors.

Sapphire's point of view:

I watch Ash leave and Ruby go after him. I couldn't hear anything, but when Ruby tells me he is sad because the girl he loves won't get with him I got a bit excited. Is he talking about me? Did he hear me tell Emerald that I love him? Well if he did that is true I do love him. I hope he's talking about me and that I'm the girl he loves. I zone out when Ruby and Emerald were talking, but when I zone back in both Ruby and Emerald were helping the doctor with the doors and getting rid of the Dalek remains. "Do you know who it is?" I ask Ruby. She looks at me and says "No he didn't tell me, but I hope he knows that he can trust us." I nod my head and decide I'll go ask him right now. "I'm going to my room." I say to confuse the others and Ruby just nods her head. I walk up to Ash's door and knock on it. I don't hear anything so I say "Ash it's Sapphire. can I come in?" I don't hear anything so I try the door and it's unlocked. I walk in and see him on his bed. He looks up and his eyes are so red and puffy. 

I sit down on the edge of his bed. I decide to just get straight to the point. I say "Ash I heard you are having girl problems tell me her name." Ash just explodes he is saying that he wants this girl, but can't get with her. I look at him and ask "Who is the girl?" Ash tries to change the subject, but I just look at him and he stops. Yes here we go. He finally bursts and my heart drops at what he says. "I love Ruby! There I said it." he states. It wasn't me. Why wasn't it me? What did Ruby have that I don't? He's only known her for two days. I look at him and say "Okay Ash I'm going now." He just nods his head and puts his head back into his pillow. Probably to cry some more. I get to the door and I am about to walk out when Ash says "Please don't tell anybody." I look back and say "okay." that was it and I walk out of his room and towards my room. I got to my room and walk in and close my door. I start crying, I lie on my bed and sob into my pillow. Why can't he love me? It's not fair. Ruby probably doesn't even love him seeing that they've known each other for two days. I don't know when Ruby walked in, but she did and she sat on the edge of the bed. "Sapphire are you okay?" she asks. I look at her and say "no i'm not. I love Ash and he doesn't even love me back!" Ruby looks at me with concern and sympathy.

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