Alice's considered and gracious response.

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I thought we had a second chance,

To renew our vows; to do our happy dance;

But you've not changed one little bit,

And frankly Cole- you're full!!

You'd give me a credit card, to shop?

Charge interest rates, that would rise? non-stop?

You're just as greedy as all the bankers

They drain our wallets-those bloody wankers!!

I'm not naïve, I know your game:

If I come back, it will be the same,

You'd dress me up for the world to see

You're into the Queen-not your fiddlers three.

My Mom believes you're a creepy old loon;

And her feet don't smell-that's her perfume.

My lawyers advice: "The post-nup stays"

You're old and mean: you won't change your ways.

After reading your proposal, do I think you're swell?

Well frankly dear Cole, you can go to..........Timbuktu!!

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