Le thoughts pt. 9

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All great tales start with something meaningful. Something that will make your heart burn with passion at the poetic words wrote by magnificent, timeless authors. All great stories have meaning behind them, and experiences, no matter how small, nor insignificant. In this cruel world, people keep to themselves to see another day, to survive, but not to live. No one has an 100 percent chance of finding what they need, or what can change for the better, to regain what's left of their humanity. But, there will always be the unlikely chance, of finding complete happiness. And with me, it took me a long time to realize, that I took that unlikely chance, and made it my future. All great tales, start with something unforgettable.

Soooo, I kinda wanna publish this story, but then I kind dooonn'tt

I was just wondering what you think

(if people even read this?)

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