Sleeping with the enemy - 11

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Chaper 11

I was tied up in a dark room. De ja vu. I was in this exact situation just a couple months ago. I hissed at the pain that just ran through me. My head was pounding and I just felt sick. I was tired of all of this. Me being in the middle of my brothers' problems. It's like I was constantly the main target. It's not fair. It's annoying. The worst thing is that i'm not even involved yet they know EVERYTHING about me. Why couldn't I just be the little sister of theirs that NO ONE knew about. Flip sake. I listened to the sound of voices by the door, and not long after I heard it unlock. He walked in. This SAME guy.

"You're awake" He said and chuckled

Well Naaaaaah. I screwed him as he walked around me in circles.

"You were a tough one I must admit. God knows I was actually gonna give up. But I thought ..Mmm nah. I can't let them win again." He said

I ignored him.

"You're a quiet one yuno" He continued


He stood in the corner of the room. I watched as he lit up a cigarrette. I watched as he inhaled all the toxic chemicals and allowed them to travel through his system. Looking at him just made me feel sick. I just wished that right now he would choke and die.

"Who are you and what do you want from me?" I said after a while

 "AHA! She speaks" He grinned.

 I rolled my eyes. Dickhead.

"We just need a bit of information from you, that's all. Plus you was the same girl that got me stamped on by the dickhead brother of yours" He said getting angry

Wait. I knew who he was.. The guy from the party. Well ..after the party. The one who punched me in my face. I KNEW he looked familiar. HAA! Prick.


"Well GOOD!" I said. "Who told you to touch me? You're too damn fast."

"Don't be getting rude now. Honestly. This isn't the time or place. Because I could finish you off right now if I wanted to. Trust me" He said

His eyes had darkened. He looked evil and scary. Yeah, let me tone it down a little. I was trapped in a room, tied up and I was still giving strangers attitude. I had to let this confidence go.

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