Depression is so much fun..

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I swear that I was doing okay. 

I was doing so much better.

 I had made so much progress, I was almost even happy.

 I don't know what happened,something went wrong and now I find myself gasping for breath.

 I don't know when it happened but I started losing my mind again.

 I think I'm missing pieces of myself and I don't know how to find them. 

 The demons are back and stronger then ever.

 They are looking for a fight. 

Looking to win and this time, I just might let them. 

Ive become a master at breaking my own heart

with simple thoughts, hopes, dreams

of things i will never be able to have. 

people ill never be able to have.

Its killing me 

Yet I don't know what to do.

How does one stop the whispers? 

The voices inside of my head. 

How do I stop them from taking over? 

Is there any point anymore?

I don't have the strength to keep on


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