Chapter 1

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You scrambled for your bow, only to have a foot come down onto your back, knocking the air out of your lungs.

"You dirty pig!" Lucas screamed.

"L-Lucas, you'll attract the walkers," You wheezed, trying to catch your breath.

"Let them hear!" He yelled.

"Please!" You pleaded, getting onto your knees.

You abusive boyfriend slammed you back onto the ground, you gasped for air.

"Lucas.." You whispered.

You couldn't blame the rage he was getting, the world went to shit. Flesh craving monsters, which use to be human, roamed the land.

"Please, listen to me," You began, only to be cut off by a kick to the stomach.

"I've been listening!" He spat. "You don't... Have to do this.." You gasped for air. "I'd be better off without you," He whispered, barely audible but clear as day.

His hand flew to his hip, he snatched his hunting knife."Lucas! Please, I love you," You tried and tried to get him to have some common sense. He shook his head, insanity clear in his eyes.

You stumbled forward, grabbing your bow and arrows. You didn't know what you were doing, you senses went into overdrive as you dug the arrow into his leg.

"You bitch!" He whaled, slashing at your forearm with his knife.You felt your arm tear, but no pain. The adrenaline was pumping to fast to feel anything right now. Your hands shook as you loaded your bow, but as fast as ever you brought back the wire and let the arrow fly. It went right into his skull, sending his flailing body to a halt.

You wanted to scream but only a choked sob came out.

You couldn't bare to look at his body, you felt as if you were going to barf. Shakily you gathered supplies, throwing them into your back pack you fled out of the small house you called home for a month.The adrenaline wore off quickly, causing the gash into your arm burn.You gritted your teeth, tearing off some off your already ripped shirt and wrapping it around the wound.

It will help the bleeding and get you some time for now.

You felt drowsy, the street was dead and abandoned. Fear gripped you at your throat, night time with walkers wasn't your whole cup of tea.

Your feet started to ache as you came to a house. "Please be safe," You croaked, tears stained your face as you realized you've been crying the entire time.

The house was large, a white deck surrounded the front.

String with cans hanging from it hung in the entry of the deck. That must mean humans? Your heart skipped a beat as you heard piano playing inside.

You ducked under the string, heart in your throat as you rose your hand to knock at the door.

Knock.. The piano went silent.

Knock.. Loud creaks of the floor board.

Knock.. The door swung open, you almost feel backwards. A man and a teenage girl stood at the doorway.

Your eyes widened at the high-powered crossbow aimed right at your face.

"Don't shoot!" You managed to choke out. "Who are you?" The man asked, a southern accent laced into his words.

"My name's ___, I'm 23 years old," you choked out, not knowing what they wanted to know from you, "I-I'm sorry I just heard piano and.." Your voice trailed off. "Get," He said harshly, shutting the door.

A foot stopped it, and the teenage girl swung it back open. "What he meant to say was, come in," She smiled warmly, then sent a glare at the man. He looked disgusted at you."Thank you," You trudged in, "I don't mean any harm, and I c-can leave if you want me too."

"Nonsense!" She said, taking a close look at you, "I'm Beth."

"Is that a bite?" The man asked.


He rolled his eyes, "Your arm, is that a bite."

"N-No," You shook your head, as Beth took off the home made bandage.

"It's a cut, Daryl," Beth said.Daryl must be the man's name."How did this happen?" She asked. You throat swelled, not producing any words as you pictures the raged boyfriend slash your arm, the arrow contacting his skull.

You winced, "I fell, tree branch caught me." Daryl snatched your arm, causing you to scream in pain.

He ignored your cry, "That ain't a tree branch, too clean of a cut. That right there is a knife wound."

You were amazed but shocked at how he knew so fast. But it is true, no tree could of made a cut like that.

"Fighting?" Daryl said, snapping you out of your trail of thought.

"Sorta," You mumbled."What do you mean 'sorta'?!" He yelled, causing you to jump. "Daryl!" Beth snapped, "If she don't wanna tell she don't have to."

The room fell silent, only your shaky breath could be heard.

Daryl scoffed, exiting the room. "I'm sorry, he is a real pain sometimes," Beth shook her head, leaving the room too. She came back with a bunch of medical supplies, damping up a rag with some kind of liquid. She placed it on your wound, you screamed in agony.

"This will clean it," She explained.

You gritted your teeth, as she wrapped gauze around your forearm."All better."

"Thank you.." You muttered.

She looked at your clothes, "Let's get you a new oufit, those torn things won't help you."She left the room, coming back with a pair of worn out black skinny jeans and a dark blue spaghetti strapped tanetop.

"It's not much," She said, "But it's all that would fit you." You took the clothes, it was better than the torn clothes you wore now.

"I'll try to find you something better, buy that'll do for now."

She left the room, allowing you to change.

She came back with a blanket, "You can sleep on the couch for tonight." She draped the blanket over the small couch.

"Thank your for letting me stay," You whispered.

She nodded, accepting your appreciation. She eventually left the room. Leaving you alone in the dark, you crawled under the blanket, not bothering to take your shoes off.

Exhausted and in pain you drifted off..

(Authors Note: How'd you like it? Sorry I'm making Daryl be such an ass right now, he will open up trust me. But that is his character. Anyways, I hope I captured the characters right.

Leave a comment on any suggestings!)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2014 ⏰

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