Seduced and Surprised

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"You know," Ben started as he leaned in to John's lips for a kiss "I've been wanting to do this for a long time." Their lips connected.  They stayed there, arms wrapped around each other, almost, as if they were afraid that if they broke apart, they would fall. John picked up Ben bridal style and put him on the bed as he started to remove Ben's clothes. Ben yelled in pleasure. "Gah. Ah." Ben stuttered out from the kisses John flooded him with. "Oh, you seem to be a softie." John said as he caressed Ben's thighs slowly and gently. "Ahh. Ohh. Uhh..." Ben said as John made his way up to Ben's mouth kissing it as he swayed his body back and forth with each kiss moving in a calming rhythm. Ben flipped over and managed to get John under him so he could torture him. He pressed his body really close to John and started to rub his body up and down while John moaned in pleasure. Then, the door knob turned...

//I wanted a cliff hanger but I am not gonna do it.

"Oh shit..." John whispered.
Ben moaned. "Baby, they don't have a key. Unless they are room service,"
John rubbed Ben.
"Oh shit! What if they are room service!" Ben yelled. He quickly ran to the bathroom and hopped in the shower while John frantically looked for a pair of pants. They had a meeting at 3 that day. And it was 2:45. They're gonna be late. Ben walked out with only a towel rapped around him.
"Dammnnnn Daniel!!" John yelled.
Alexander snorted. Then he laughed. "Kinky." ( (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )
Ben screamed and flew at him with a quill. "How fucking dare you!" Ben yelled as he ran into a wall.
Alexander laughed. "Missed me, Daniel."
"Benny pooh!" John yelled as he ran to Ben's aid but got knocked down by Thomas Jefferson.
"Bitch what the hell this is fucking new. If I have ONE grease stain on this you're paying." Thomas said as he dusted his new magenta suit and tightened his ponytail. They stood in silence for about 5 minutes as Thomas replied his makeup.
John balled up his first and started to run at Thomas as then Ben pushed John out the way. "Bitch no!" Thomas yelled as he started to walk over to John. Just we they thought this couldn't get more weirder, they heard moans and groans and someone yelling: "Daddy! Harder! Faster!"
"What. The. Actually. Hell" Thomas murmured.
"Welcome Folks, to The Sex Drive!" Alexander said in a deep voice.
"Sexy." Thomas said as he looked at Alexander.
"I BELONG TO JOHN LAURENS AND YOU KNOW THAT! STOP HITTING ON ME!!" Alexander yelled then pouted. Such a baby...girl.


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