Part 2

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(Kyle's Pov)

After getting settled in and finishing the pizza we had picked up me and Brandi relaxed on her couch, not for the first time. Sometimes instead of going on the fieldtrips we were supposed to we would just go to her place and watch a good movie.

Needless to say I knew my way around the place.

"So your birthday is next week K", She said, while taking a jab at my ribs, not turning away from the news on TV. The coverage was about a local 'mass murderer' that signed his murder scenes with the name 'X'. The guy was very debated considering he only killed mobsters and local bad guys, which led to the public outcry to stop police from looking for him.

"Yea. I don't expect much. The best gift possible was you finally fostering me. Not like you took your time. Anyway what school am I going to?" I asked, while rumming through the box in vein, hoping to find more. My attept bore fruit when a piece was passed from Brandi's plate to mine.

"Central" she said, glancing over to watch my reaction.

Central High school. The largest school in the tri-state area. It was full of rich kids because it was right in the center of the city, surrounded by skyscrapers and apartment buildings. Basically it was the perfect place for people to call me weird and do everything to push my buttons, everything to threaten my probation.

"Great", I said suddenly not so hungry.

"More news. You have been transfered to the karate dojo down the street so dont worry about that. The wifi password is my name with a 1 instead of an I. There is a laptop in your room that's for you. and no food in your room cause I want the deposit back on this place." She said, while cleaning the pizza boxs off the table.

"GET TO BED YOU IDIOT OH MY GOD IT'S PAST MIDNIGHT! YOU HAVE SCHOOL!" She suddenly yelled while panicing and rushing me to the bathroom to clean my teeth and do my buisness.

As I was pushed all I could think as she ushered me to 'my room' was 'She wants the deposit back?', as I had been hiding weed and various other stuff in her floorboards for years.

____________-NEXT DAY-______________

The walk to Central High school wasn't very long, Brandi lived in a pretty high dollar building. I got everything I needed from the office and went to my locker. It was right at the edge beside the entrance door I used this morning which was perfect for me.

I planned on getting in, doing my work, and getting out. If only it could be that easy.

"Hey new boy. I heard you transfered from South Side High. Are you in a gang?" asked a girl in a skirt about as big as her brain. She had the classic bleached blond hair and irritating attitude. Great.

"Yea I am. I'm a Southside Serpent. Wanna see the tattoo on my dick?", I retorted. I slammed my locker with everything inside except my pen and notebook.

I brushed past her shocked face and went to get to class before something happened, But of course.

"CAMMY! He said rude things to me!" She screeched.

A boy I recognized all too well peeled off the wall and stood infront of him. Now would be a good time to mention my outfit.

I had my leather jacket on and dark blue jeans, with my hair styled spiky and a pair of glasses on to block the early march sun from blinding me. He wouldn't recognize me.

"You gotta problem Buddy?", He asked.

"Your girlfriend asked to see my dick. Sorry if that bothers you Cam." I said while turning and walking away.

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