Chapter 2

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I climbed up the side of the building in order to avoid attention from the staff. I finally got inside and to my surprise, the crime scene was still set up. "That's odd" I thought, "why is everything still set up". The dist on the shelves implied that the apartment had been left alone for sometime. Before leaving I heard a slight tap followed by a stinging sensation in my chest. I looked down, "Fuck" a tranquilizer dart.

I woke up later, dizzy as all hell and with a bag over my head. After about five minutes someone took the bag off. A German man sat in front of me with his legs crossed. His words were as cold as ice. "Ah! Detective Laurent you're awake". As soon as he said that the men who were with him tied my hands behind my chair. "I've dealt with a lot of crazy people but who the fuck are you?" I said. His face went from a cheery tone to one of dead seriousness. "My name is Magnus and I advise you to stay out of matters that you know nothing of". He looked at the two men, "let's go". Before he left I managed to say "Magnus, you haven't seen the last of me". He chuckled and said, "Burn it all down". The poured gasoline everywhere, lit a match, and threw it. All I could think of now was getting out.

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