2 golden rings

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    Once upon a time, there was a kingdom that went by the name Yurachi. It was quite a large civilization with over 500,000 people roaming around. And the ruler, King Vitya, was the most handsome, fair, nicest, and most fit of them all. He had platinum hair, quite a rare gem I suppose, and he had the most beautiful  azure eyes there ever was. No one could compare.

Ever since he was a prince, the king wanted a pet. Although he could never have one, for they are quite dirty and must make sure they do not eat or do anything that may result in death. But the king was 28 and he knew he was responsible enough to take care of a pet. And so it began, a search for the best pet there was in the kingdom. It took days, weeks even before the king could decide. He had already favored a bunny and dog, which he would have to decide later on. As the last and final sales man stepped through the doors of the castle and held up a pig, the King knew that that animal was perfect.

Everyone was baffled by this accusation. But as the guards were ready to escort the salesman out, the king waved his right hand with the fastest motion saying,

"I choose that one!"

Everyone in the room had gasped including the salesman himself. His trusted servant, Leroy stood in shock as he replied with,
"Your highness, are you sure?"

King Vitya stood up from his throne and ran to the pig, grabbing it from the salesman asking,

"How much do you want for it?"

His voice eager with determination on retrieving this animal. Standing in shock the salesman replied with,

"Two gold p-pieces "

King Vitya shook his head.
"Why?" King Vitya said " Two is far too little. Leroy!"

"Yes my king?"

"Please get this man a sack of gold from my treasure room and quickly, we must not waste any time."

And just like that. Leroy was off with a knight to the treasure room as fast as lightning. The king had his  eyes sparkling  at the pig who was trembling in fear.

Then, as soon as that had happened, from the king had his face lift into smile. As he was about to call in a servant to wash the animal, he remembered a book he read about pets and how to be the proper care taker for them, he quoted a sentence from the book that had said, "You must bond a relationship with the animal and take care of them yourself, or else the person you sent to take care of them will gain the trust of the desired animal" he was scared of this as a fact and instead took the pig to the wash room himself.

News quickly spurred around the kingdom, in and out. Although, as soon as it turned up, it quickly disappeared. King vitya sat on his throne thinking of a name for his dear animal. But as soon as he started thinking, he found the perfect name. Katsudon. He was not quite sure why he chose it but nothing less, he loved it and then it became the official name for the pig. Still he remembered that specific quote and decided that for the next 6 months, 12 weeks, and 18 days, he would train the pig how to correctly be a royal. During this time, they King Vitya will in fact teach Katsudon how to eat correctly, have proper manners, sword fight, and even how to walk on his hind legs

Katsudon grew quite fond of his master but in a different way. He had fallen in love with the king and no one knew his feelings except for himself. Though, this was not the only secret going through his mind.

One day as king Vitya was doing his normal morning routines with Katsudon, A servant came into his room and told him the news about a gem the color and feelling of ice that would grant the consumer the ability to speak. His gem was used for animals since humans could already speak. King Vitya wanted this gem no doubt, so he told the servant to tell the royal army to send exactly 300 knights to look for this miraculous gem. They were ordered to search anywhere in the world to find this gem. All the nights were given 10 bags of gold in case the owner would not give up the gems so easily. And so it began, a search for the ice gems.

2 golden rings ( victurri and otayuri fan fic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ