Life And Death

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Ever since Jordan has met Stephanie, she knew there was something strange about her. 6th grade and 7th grade, Stephanie said she was sick of things, ready to end it. Signs in 8th, too, but she just couldn't do that. What if she wasn't joking? Jordan thought. "Do you want to know who the hell I am? Go to the chorus room, be ready. All of you." The Killer instructed. The girls ran to the Chorus room, to be knocked out.


Rebecca awoke, looking around the room. She screamed as she saw the Chorus teacher, Ms. Patterson, hung upside down, unconscious. Anxiety was racing, Jordan squirming to be freed. Stephanie gasped, as she saw Nalani  walk up to the podium. "Surprise, surprise, eh?" Nalani asked. "Are you-" Jordan started. "The killer? Damn right I am." Nalani interrupted.

"But...why?" Rebecca asked. "You all took something away from me. Some of you, don't deserve to die. Ethan's death...complete accident. I guess that's what he gets for dating the school's preppiest, stupidist blonde, and not even telling his best friend. A year! A whole year! And I wasn't told! Andy, he wasn't supposed to die, it wasn't planned, he shouldn't have interfered. Same with Kaley. Short simple death...I can tell the police it was suicide. Your turn, Rebecca!" Nalani yelled. Right then and there, Nalani chucked a knife through Rebecca's stomach. "What'd we do?" Stephanie whispered.

"Michael, for being an annoying gay guy. Kaley, for being all emotional and is always complaining. Annie kept squirting water at me, ruining my presidential candidate form, ruining my chances to win. I was planning on killing Mona later, but Jordan took care of her. Mona...just gets on my nerves." Nalani explains. "And Roxy?" Jordan asks.

"You two are my best friends for life, and I trust you with my house keys. Can I seriously trust you?" Jordan says to Stephanie and Nalani. "Of course!" Stephanie says, grabbing one. "Yep." Nalani shrugs, grabbing the second. There was something on Nalani's face, that was different.

"I stopped by your house, took her, put some rabies, rabbi dog. Thanks for the keys, best friend." Nalani says. "My dear friend from PE, Alicia? Remember her? She helped me take cover, but I took care of her during your knock out. Found Patterson trying to escape, killed her. Though, I wanted to kill you three. Mona, too girly. Jordan, you frown upon me. You think your so better. If you weren't popular, who would you be? Stephanie, we've known each other since the 6th grade. 2 years, we're now 8th graders. You've known I wanted to be the student council president, leader of the dance committee!" Nalani screams.

"What I find amazing is, you don't have a heart, bitch." Stephanie replies. “It’s funny, you think you can be my best friends for 3 years, and you can steal anything from me!" Nalani yells. "It's just a committee!" Stephanie replies. "And student council! The last spot for honors math, I could've finally had all honors!" Nalani adds.

"You really are evil." Jordan scowls. "Thanks you." Nalani smugly says. "You..." A voice rang. "I wanted to kill you two, personally." Nalani says. "But, I want you two to suffer first." Nalani added. Oddly enough, a mutant came. It had traits of Nalani's victims. Terrible, Rebecca's eye sight and eyes with Michael's glasses, Rebecca's shirt color fur, Annie's petite size. It had a sweet tone, belonging to Kaley. Mona's hair with Ethan's hair color. Something stood out, there was nothing about Andy.

"Please let us live..." Jordan prayed, closing her eyes.

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