the darkness where my heart lies.

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Im so sorry lance .... heh

thanks for reading!

-Satanskitty ;)


Something in Lance always told him he wasnt good enough, no matter where he was, on earth, in the garrison, and especially in space.

not that he didnt like the other paladins, he knew that they were like a "family" (or so hes been told)

but he couldnt shake the idea that no matter who he tried to be, it wouldnt be enough for the other paladins.

and sometimes, when lance screws something up, and everyone was stressed about the next mission and they would mutter hurtful things under their breath

"Come on why do you always mess everything up?"

"Why is he even here?"

"god lance TRY to do something useful for once?!"

and sometimes, it got REALLY bad, and the other paladins would completely ignore him, or allura would sigh before he could fnish asking her something, or they would yell at him.

doesnt really seem that bad probably, i mean it wasnt like they were kicking him off the team, well not literally.

today wasnt a good day, before he could even open his mouth he was told to shutup. it was probably because lotor was being a huge dick, trying to steal their lions.

he was sitting in a chair, the other paladins around him loudly working, pidge typing away on their computer, hunk listening quietly to what allura was whispering to him, coran was off somewhere working on the ship. and keith was discussing battle strategyes (sorry i forgot how to spell strategeys) lance thought that maybe he should try to cheer up everyone.

but before he could, as he opened his mouth-

"Lance please now is not the time for your jokes." shiro said without looking up.

lance tried his best to hide his feelings, standing up and excusing himself.

he walked quickly outside. it was night on this planet, and he couldnt help but wonder what it ws like back on earth, was it night too? was it raining? god he missed the rain.

other people would complain about getting their shoes wet, or how it chill'd their bones.

but lance loved every part of it, how it drew the breath out of him, how it washed away everything

even hurt feelings

but their was no rain, at all on this stupid planet. just those weird tribe people things.

as lance walked he quickly discovered he had no idea where he was, at all. but he didnt care at all, maybe he woud die out here he thought dryly. likely no one would care.

suddenly he found himself furiouse with the team.

God! why were they always releasing their stress on him! what, was he the local dufus that didnt have feelings!?

but somewhere deep down he knew it was no ones fault but his for acting like a child.

but some part of him would never grow up, especially since that day when his father died, and is mother started drinking, and boyfreinds would come home every night.

no matter where he was that hurt would follow him everywhere.

he was walking in one specified direction when all of a sudden the trees stopped, and he found himself in frontt of water,


he started shaking with joy, he couldnt beleive it, and not just a lake or anything, but an ocean, A OCEAN.

he couldnt beleive his eyes.

so he did what he had wanted to do since he had gotten himself stuck up in space.

he swam.

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