Chapter 18 Void

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I blink open my eyes, adjusting to the bright light above me. The droning went on and on, like a broken radio in the background.

Two faces hovered above me, blur and then  slowly it came into focus like a camera; from a deceptive two blurs to a single acute figurine. I raise my heavy hands to shield my eyes from the bright light. Every single bone in my body was raw and rickety but filled with a odd sense of heaviness which is usually felt when a body passes through a heavy density of water.

''Em, you alright?'', Kate whispers, her voice a mature thickness.

'' What happened?'', Cara asks, worried.

Argh....all the pain and the slight throbbing in the temple caused me to be lightheaded. 

''Yeah....I am fine'', I say and struggle to sit up. Yes, the strong stuff that was mixed in my coke definitely was making me feel like I was on cloud nine.

I groan once again, rubbing my temples. '' What time is it?''

''It's around noon.'' Kate says.

''Are you alright? Where have you been all night, we were worried sick-'', Cara jumps in while Kate shoots a glare that eventually silences her. I was glad because every single sound was like a driller inside my head.

'' I kind of passed out but Sebastian was with me so nothing to worry about'', I retort.

Cara seemed on edge whereas Kate seemed to catch my uneasiness. I don't know how long I can hide the truth from them but I know that I will spill the beans, sooner or later.

''Kate, can you help me up, I really need to take a shower.''

Kate nods and helps me up. Eventually I get my chores done and settle in a white floral top and leggings, being my comfortable prop in house. I stuff my mouth with mashed potatoes and peas, reminding me of the traumatizing dinner, a perfect evening which turned out to be disastrous. How I seemed to be constantly knocked out or drugged or hit, hammered, whatever it is, you name it and there it is.

I can't believe that I am no longer my innocent virgin self, even if it was quite exhilarating, I still couldn't wrap my head around it. I can't believe life turned into a complete fiasco within just a couple of weeks, ever since Sebastian crashed into my miserable life. Even if everything had an interesting twist in every end, I wasn't quite convinced. What a fateful life I am succumbed to, from a miserable quite life to a currently tornado swept disaster.

''Hey, Earth to Emma!'', Kate whistles, breaking me out of my trance.

''Yeah, sorry. What?'', I ask Kate disoriented.

'' I was just telling if you would like to go for a hangout with us, its been so long'', Kate suggests while Cara nods.

It truly has been long and I could do with a little girls time out and live normally for at least one night.

I nod and we all cheer, shooting our fists in the air.


It was well after sunset. I was on my bed, listening to James Arthur and singing along as I read books on my phone. I felt completely normal and lazy as if nothing ever happened. As if I wasn't a goner and as if I didn't ever get drugged or even hit by a baseball and meet the mysterious hot brother. Well, you get the picture.

And there comes the end to my serenity as Kate hurdles into my room. And her eyes go as big as saucers as I look back at her, confused.

'' What are you doing?'', she breathes.

'' I was just listening to music and reading books'', I offer weakly, trying to figure out what wrong I had done this time.

She rolls her eyes at my obvious statement. '' Well, hurry up, get dressed!'' She says as she motions me to my closet.

''Yeah, okay,okay, but where to?'', I ask.

''Does it matter, take it as a surprise!''

''Of course it does, what am I supposed to wear, how am I supposed to look? Should it be informal or formal or just casual, casual'', I ask dubiously.

If you think informal and casual is same then let me tell you, it isn't for us. Informal meant a good looking top and jeans or something like that and casual was more situational, for instance could be a tank top with leather jacket on or a crazy match up for our own choice (style).

''Well, let me pick up your outfit'', Kate sing songs towards my closet.

Alright, I have got to be scared. I didn't want anything that would or could show too much of my skin or too tight so that it would stick to my body. While I silently prayed to Lord so that she does not pull out a hideous outfit from that hellhole (that is what my closet currently defined as to me), Kate whirls around to face me with something glossy and black and short in her hands while beaming up to me.

'' I am never wearing that!'', I declared as I inched away from her.

''Oh come on, its just an outfit!'', Kate pouts, disappointed at my reaction.

''No way in hell!'', I whispered.

Kate gives an annoyed face and then she storms off or was about to. ''Emma Silvers, if you don't listen to me right now, I will officially cut all bonds with you. Is that thoroughly understood?'', Kate spits each and every word to clarity and enough venom to send shivers up your spine and do exactly what she wants in order to save your dear life, but clearly as I am her best friend, it doesn't effect me all that much and I just can't help but roll my eyes at her drama.

''Emma Silvers, you dont just eye roll me and stand there!'', she literally shrieks. Ohmilord! She was hysterical, not good! I nod obligingly and take the outfit from her hands. Her face immediately changes from a murderous glare to a sicky sweet smile.

I put on a black lace bra and the black lacy corset-sort outfit on top.  It was a black spandex material with little glittery black stones on top and a black rose on my waist attached to look like a belt held it on. It clung to my curves and it barely even reached my mid thigh for crying out loud!

I look at her with a helpless look. Kate claps enthusiastically and puts one finger on her chin as if thinking. ''Alright, alright! Wear this!'', with that said she throws me a black legging sock that stopped two inches right below my knee.

I pull it on gladly as it could cover more of my pale skin and jump into a fine pair of heeled boots which were ankle high.

''Wow, you look like you are going to kick ass but at the same time is smoking hot. Everyone will have one question going on in their head, 'How on earth does she look so dangerous and at the same time pull off the sassiness along side!' What they won't know is I am the one behind it all and it only takes effective pursuance!'', Kate smirks, completely pleased about herself.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Okay now let's get this going. And we all hit the road to Lord knows where.



So I guess I am lost for sure this time! What do I do, I am only going in circles with all the bloody ideas circling my head like abnoxious bees!!!

Well, well.....I guess I should finally jump into the deep waters, letting go of the fears!!!!

Take a deep breath and here we go! *Splash*

Above- this is how I imagine the dress to be.

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