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"We are all born perfect, it's the brain that forces us to drift apart from perfection." Mr.Calvin stated as he gestured to a drawing of the human brain.

"It's the evil humanity in the world, that corrupts our innocent brains to believe such imperfect thoughts." He declares while turning to look at the class. "And with imperfect thoughts, comes imperfect actions. As a result, we are come to known as an imperfect human race, conversely to a perfect species."

I had always admired that about my science teacher Mr.Calvin. He had a way with words, that really made you ponder about the discussion.

I raise my hand to ask a question about the subject. Knowing that within minutes the bell would be ringing to be dismissed. "Yes Katherine?" He questions, looking directly at me causing some glances from other students who we're surely not paying any attention to the lesson.

"You stated that we are known as an imperfect human race rather then a perfect human species. But suffice it to say, that there are no 'perfect species' because we all have brains that -like you said, that are corrupted by humanity." I remark.

Just as Mr.Calvin opens his mouth to reason with my statement, the bell rings, and within seconds, every student stands up and begins collecting all of their things.

"Don't forget your notes, as there will be a test within the next couple of weeks on this lesson." Mr.Calvin states clearly raising his tone just enough so everyone could hear him. He then looks to me and walks to my desk twiddling a pen between his fingers.

"To answer your statement, Katherine. You are correct, there really is no perfect species. Although, not all brains seem to be affected by humanity. But affected by the human itself."

Mr.Calvin was a young, dark haired man who looked as if he were in his early thirties. He always dressed causally and wore a tie to every occasion.

I nodded in agreement to what he was saying. Before picking up my things from the desk.

"I must say, you are excelling in this science class." He states, proudly crossing his arms over his chest. "You are probably my best student."

"Thank you." I smile. "I really do find interest in this class, more specifically this lesson. About perfection, and imperfection."

He nods smiling in the same position. "I'm glad to hear." He then pauses and holds up a finger, indicating for me to wait a moment; as he walks over to his desk and opens a drawer.

He returns back to my desk opening his hand in front of me to reveal a pin. It had to roses intertwining, one black, dead with thorns; and one white alive with a soft stem. I glance from the pin to him questioningly.

"The two roses intertwining indicate perfection, with imperfection." He starts, looking down at the pin. "The dark, dead rose would be unable to stand without the life from the opposite rose; as the rose that's alive would be unable to be live, without the protection of the thorns from the dead rose."

He then takes my palm and places the pin in the centre. "In other words, without the good what would the bad do? And without the bad, what would the good do?" He then gently closes my hand.

I look at him slightly confused. Why would he be giving me this? What is he trying to say? "I don't know what to say..thank you." He nods, then looks at the clock.

"You better be heading home Katherine. It's 3:30" I glance back at the clock. Great. Home late again. I walk towards the door and thank him once again then make my way to my locker to gather my things and head home.

I wonder what 'imperfections' will be waiting for me when I return home.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2014 ⏰

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