Chapter 12: Fighting Her Demon ✊

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Her grandmother was so glad to see her, but she knew as soon as she looked in her eyes it wasnt her. Her grandmother told her that all this was happening for a reason. They had family history dealing with witchcraft and the cult of magick, and they had been cursed! The reason she and her siblings had such messed up lives was because an enemy named Lucifarian had been after them for years due to revenge and hate!

 They had family history dealing with witchcraft and the cult of magick, and they had been cursed! The reason she and her siblings had such messed up lives was because an enemy named Lucifarian had been after them for years due to revenge and hate!

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He had wanted her mother Jasmine in marriage after they conjured him long ago and she refused his hand in marriage. The fact they brought him from the darkness a bargin had to be made and it was never done so they were cursed generations after generations. Kelly couldn't believe this!

She started crying and pacing the room! Her grandmother told her to calm down she didn't want that creature coming out of her, but before she knew it she was feeling like she wanted to pass out. As her eyes started to closed she saw her grandmother run upstairs.

When she woke up she was cover in blood! The house look like a tornado had went through it! Rose was no where in sight

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When she woke up she was cover in blood! The house look like a tornado had went through it! Rose was no where in sight. The house grew dark and was different in and out. Outside turned dark and she was surrounded by nothing but woods! It was like she literally went to another time demention, the otherside. The opposite of the living! It felt like she was in a dream, but this was no dream; it was as real as you and me!

Kelly quickly got up trying to get the blood off her and started crying and panicking! She yelled out for her grandmother hoping she hadn't hurt her

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Kelly quickly got up trying to get the blood off her and started crying and panicking! She yelled out for her grandmother hoping she hadn't hurt her. She saw blood smeared on the wall broken glass everywhere and the furniture destroyed as if a wild animal had ransacked the house! She called out to her grandmother only still to get no answer.

She went towards the stairs and went up slowly. She heard a deep demonic echoing voice laugh. She kept seeing a big dark beast like shadow quickly ran pass at the very top of the steps. Her body shook with fear, but she kept going!

 Her body shook with fear, but she kept going!

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