The Past and the Present

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Sesshomaru's hair glimmered in the fading light. The sun was slipping below the horizon and rubble covered everything in his wake. He was on a rampage. Blood danced around him like a lover, and Inuyasha had never seen him with a more deadly expression on his face. Bakusaiga glowed green at his side. With each deadly swipe the blade cut into his foes and quickly overcame their weak bodies. Inuyasha swung Tessaiga and destroyed yet another building that was in the path of his own destructive force.

The brothers were a force to be reckoned with.

Inuyasha didn't know how many enemies were descending around them. Their bodies seemed to swirl into one giant blob. Their numbers were impossible to count. The only thing that he could clearly make out about them, the only thing they all had in common, was the staff that each of them held. He used to love the soft clinking noise that a staff could make. Back when he was traveling with his group, he would hear that soft sound with every step the perverted Monk took.

Now, well, it was a completely different time.

That sound meant danger. That sound meant death to thousands of demons who had already fallen victim to the Monto.

Inuyasha growled as he slashed one of the attackers across the chest. Blood spurted from the man's chest and stained Tessaiga in its awful color. Inuyasha wasn't a big fan of killing humans, but human or not, these people were pure evil. They had been the biggest threat to him and the people that he loved since Naraku. He had beat Naraku, and they would beat the Monto now.

Sesshomaru swung another deadly blow, managing to knock five Monto onto their backs as Bakusaiga's bite slowly consumed their bodies. They writhed in agony, and their screams forced Inuyasha to lower his ears. Damn, they were loud. Sesshomaru was mid swing when, all of a sudden, he froze. His nearly expressionless eyes widened, and his mouth parted ever-so-slightly in a telltale sign of worry. Inuyasha frowned and quickly darted across the space that separated them. Sure, they used to not get along. But, after he had mated Rin, that had started to change. Rin had been such a good influence on him. She had been his world, and everyone knew that.

No wonder the Monto sought her out.

With a grimace Inuyasha quickly pushed the pesky memories from his mind. Now was not the time to be thinking such thoughts. He had to concentrate on the battle that was raging all around him. As soon as he was near Sesshomaru, his brother turned and pinned him with an icy glare. His noise was wrinkled up slightly, so Inuyasha quickly took a sniff of the putrid air.

All he could smell was blood, fire, decay, tears, and...

With a jolt that electrified all of his nerves, he picked out the scent that Sesshomaru's more sensitive nose had already noticed. Tetsuya...

"What the fuck is he doing here!" Inuyasha demanded as he swung the Tessaiga at an oncoming barrage of attacks.

Sesshomaru's lips pulled down into the smallest of frowns. Inuyasha had become adept at reading his brother's face. He was worried. They were both scanning the area, but it was impossible to see the small boy in the smoke that seemed to waft up from every bit of destroyed building that they had torn down. A strong breeze shifted the thick smoke that seemed to clog Inuyasha's senses and there, barely visible, were a pair of determined amber eyes.

"Just get him..." Sesshomaru's voice was deadly and low. The words vibrated down through his chest and his eyebrows pinched together in frustration as he swiped at yet another incoming group of Monto. One actually managed to block his attack, and Inuyasha's eyes widened in horror as he watched the staff attempt to absorb Bakusaiga's power. With a threatening growl Sesshomaru spun and sliced the man's head clean off his shoulders. Blood sprayed around him in a wide arc as he thrust his sword to his far side to stab through another man's chest. "I. Said. Get. Him!" Sesshomaru's eyes were starting to bleed red, so Inuyasha quickly spun on his heel and darted for the insolent pup.

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