Mix Up

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       'Nooooo,' I think to myself. I got my test back and I failed. I just can't get this chemistry stuff right. I'm not sure if I suck at chemistry or if Mrs. Portman just hates my guts for ruining her desks. I swear it was not on purpose. The damn formula just didn't work out the way I wanted it to. Not that I didn't enjoy ruining her stuff. She was the worst.

       Mrs. Portman walks around my table to Flash and Rob. Flash got an A+ of course, well, that's what I can make out from his paper in front of me. It didn't really matter though because Flash turned around and shoved his paper in my face, bragging as usual.

       "Come on, (Y/N), what did you get? 'Cause I got an A+," He says. I turn my paper upside down and hold it down on the table with my hand. Flash gives up on me and smirks, looking at a boy at the table in the front row next to me, showing him his results. The boy was no one other than Peter Parker, the smartest kid in Mid-Town High. Peter looks over at him and then turns to the front, ignoring his teasing. I sigh and shove my test in my backpack, probably to get crumpled up and forgotten in there forever.

       I look back at Peter as Mrs. Portman hands him his test with the results messily written out in pen at the top, as if she sped graded them all, which everyone knew already because she's always that one teacher who miscalculates the test results all the time. Then she complains that we line up at her desk after school. I've heard that she locks her classroom door to keep them out now.

       I don't know why I haven't noticed this before, but Peter is pretty cute. He's got really nice brown hair and eyes. I bet he gets told that all the time. But then again, Flash is a real dick and won't hesitate to tease him. However, I've noticed that he's been really distracted in the past three months. Not that I creepily watch him. Isn't that what everyone does to their crush?

       Peter looks up at the clock and then around the room, fidgeting with his pen. Then, he sees me. He doesn't really notice me, though. I wave awkwardly, not really sure if he was looking at me or the door behind me. I assume the door and go back to what I was doing, which was absolutely nothing. However, out of the corner of my eye, I see him wave back. Weirrrddd.

       I don't really get paid attention to here, but I guess that's a good thing. Put a dork in the spotlight and then you get messed with. It's best to stay out of the way, at least that's what I think. Peter doesn't do that though. He mentioned something about Spider-Man one time in gym and got bullied the hell out of. I'm not saying I believe that he's friends with Spider-Man, but it's just hard to. I pop in my headphones and start listening to some tunes.

        The bell rings and everyone starts moving, as if they were all hungry pigeons running to some bread crumbs that lied just outside the door. However, we were not pigeons once we reached the hallways. No, we were a pack of wildebeest stampeding to our next classes.

         I walk out the class, surrounded by acne ridden teenagers. All of them walked past, the colors of their outfits flashing past me, however, there was a constant combo of colors like blue, grey and brown. I reach my locker and look around. Then, I feel my shoulder being poked. I turn around and widen my eyes in surprise to see Peter standing there. He smiles as he sees me, making me smile back, just to be polite because that's what everyone else does and plus, it works. I yank my earbuds out of my ears and continue to look at him, expecting him to say something.

       "Hey, (Y/N), um, it's Peter, Peter Parker." He says, smiling a little. I smile back and tilt my head, nodding.

       "Yeah, I know who you are. Sorry, I didn't see you!" I say, "What's up?" I ask, holding my books. He adjusts his grip on his backpack straps, which was different from the backpack he had last week. He seems to always have a new one. I mean, does he lose them or just really like backpacks?

        "Oh, um, it's okay. I just came to get my test back? I think Mrs. Portman might've given you my test on accident. I-I have yours," he says, handing me what appeared to actually be my test. I take it and look at the score. The ink read an A-. I look at the name, which was my name. I open my mouth in surprise, realizing, one, that I got an A- and two, because I just unknowingly crumpled up Peter's test in my backpack! I take off my backpack and awkwardly manage my books inside my locker. I unzip it and look for his test. I pull out a crumpled up piece of paper, blushing out of total embarrassment.

      "I'm so sorry! I just shoved it in my backpack assuming it was mine. I-ugh- I wasn't paying attention." I say, panicking a little and laughing awkwardly as I hand him an ugly piece of paper. Peter takes it and tosses it in his other hand like a ball, laughing too.

      "Oh, pfft. It's fine, it's fine!" He reassures me. He opens it up and looks at his actual score, a D-. He gasps and looks up from his paper at me. "Actually, can we switch tests?" He jokes, handing me his test. I laugh and hold mine close to me.

      "What? No!" I say, smiling widely. Peter stuffs his crumpled up test in his backpack. We look at each other, but...For a little too long. He blushes and puts his hands together, taking a step back.

       "See you tomorrow in class?" he asks. I nod and watch him leave I turn back to my locker, hiding my blushing face.

             'We're weird,' I think to myself.

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