The Beautiful Disaster Of Love 18: No Repeats

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~Asiah's POV~

One Month Later

“I'm sorry I have had time to talk to you” I say to Chris

“It's okay” he say

“Chris, I'm going to be blunt with you...I love you but I can't do this”

“I understand--”

“No, listen I can't keep taking you back every time you mess up this isn't good of either of us and if that baby Casey is carrying is yours then I wish you luck in parenthood. I'm just going to riding solo for while and I hope we can still be friends”

“You not leaving me for Drake?”

“No, I'm just doin' me for awhile”

“So we can still be friends?”


“What if that baby's not mine”

“Friends” I answer

“A'ight, can I get a hug?”


Chris and I stand up he streches our his arm wrapping me in a tight hug squeezing me "I love you so much Asiah and I'm sorry it had to go down like this”

“It's okay hopefully it will be better for everyone”

“We can only hope”

“I'll always love you Chris”

“No doubt, that you'll always have a place in my heart”

Chris and I share one more kiss before pulling apart


“So what's up?” Aubrey asks sitting down

“I'm going to make this quick I've got a busy schedule today”

“Asiah, what's going with you?”

“I can't believe I'm doing this again, I feel like I re-breaking up with you”

He chuckles “Asiah, baby girl what are you talking about?”

“That right there Aubrey I'm not your baby girl I'm just you friend and if you can't handle that then I understand but that's all I'm offering you”

He sighs “Asiah, I thought you were breaking up with Chris so that we could be together?”

“Aubrey, I love you but I'm not making the same mistake twice”


I sigh “Aubrey, you know I don't mean it like that”

“Whatever Asiah, I'm done with you”

“Aubrey, c'mon”

“Naw” he gets up

“Did you honestly think we could go back to before?”

“I don't know I just want things to go back to a more innocent time”

“Me too but we've both got to move on and accept our time in that kind of relationship is over”

“You right you were the only think my life I feel I got right”

I smile “I'll always love you”

“Yeah, you already know that I'll love you forever”

I laugh “Yeah, I know”


“I swear I didn't know that--”

“We're not best friends anymore this isn't college we're not as close as we used to be and that's okay but I don't think this friendship is helping anyone--”

“Are you breaking up with me?” she asks

“Yeah, sorta I just don't want to be friends with you anymore”

“This is some bullshit”

“Angel you basically helped my boyfriend cheat on me”

“It's not my fault if can't keep a man”

I shake my head “Look, I'm not going to fight you were in public so I'm just going to walk away”

“No, we're not done” she screams as I walk away

I just keep walking away Elijahis right I need to be free from the unhealthy relationships I have with people it feels good to be free.

“Asiah, come here don't make me chase after you”

I stop and turn around “Angel, please stop your embarrassing yourself”

She is about to open her mouth but then thinks about “A'ight we're done, see around Asiah”

“See ya” I says continuing to walking towards my car


“Thank you for everything” I say to Elijah

“It's not a problem”

Alexis attacks me with hugs

"When you come you'll visit us right?"

“Of course”

“Say it” Alexis urges

"I promise when I come back I'll visit you guys first"

Eli and I stands there “Can a I get a hug?” he asks with his arms wide open


Eli and I hug "I'm going to miss you so much" I say to him

“Me too”

“And I'm really going to miss you, Alexis”

“Do you have to go?” she asks

"Yes, but don't worry baby girl I'll back" I say picking Alexis

Flight 239 to Houston, Texas from Los Angles, California is now boarding

“I've got to go” I say putting her down

“Bye, Asiah”

“Bye, Alexis, Eli”

“Bye Asiah”

I board the airplane going back home to where all of it start my need to have man because I grew up without a father I need my family to help me get back on track.

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