11:55 pm

4 0 0

Katie was sound asleep on the couch, she had a blanket wrapped around her. Her and Niall's doggie Winnie was cuddled up against her. Her phone was under the blanket and it started to vibrated. Making the light seem through the blanket and causing Winnie to wake up. Katie fluttered her eyes open and groaned she thought it was her best friend drunk texting her. She opened her messages and her heart skipped a bit she smiled it was from Liam. Winnie jumped down onto the remote turning the T.V. off. Katie smiled and wrapped the blanket around herself more. 

She started to respond. 

Today 11:55 pm

YAY! You responded. I thought you fell asleep again.

Hmm. Babygirl is a new nickname but I like it.

Me and Winnie miss you she's been waiting for you to come home. She's always waiting at the front door waiting for you to come in. 

Anyway I will let you get to sleep you must be tired. 

I want to call you to say goodnight and that I love you.

Katie started to ring Liam's phone. She was very excited to hear his voice. Even though it's been 24 hours. It kept ringing and it went straight to voicemail. She was confused because he's usually up at this time to talk to her. She tried again and it went straight to voicemail. She just decided to give up.

Okay baby, I'm guessing you fell asleep which is okay.

Get some rest you're going to kill your first world tour concert tomorrow.

Be safe! I love you. 

~ Katie Xx

Katie looked at the time to see that it was midnight. She decided to head upstairs to bed. Little did she know that when Winnie jumped down and turned off the T.V. There was a news report about Liam's death. 

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