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Ace Casals
Athletic | Friendly | Protective | Arrogant | Party Animal

Ace Casals Athletic | Friendly | Protective | Arrogant | Party Animal

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Background Ace has had a normal childhood, but his parents held him on a high pedestal

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Ace has had a normal childhood, but his parents held him on a high pedestal. He always has had his parents support 100%. Unless, it wasn't what they wanted for him. Ace plays professional soccer and his life revolves around that and only that. Though, during the small spots of time he gets to himself he enjoys going to bars, clubs etc. He enjoys a good drink with the lads but never once had a women ever crossed his mind. He has one women who he puts above all and that's his mother. Ace doesn't have a life of his own, simply because his parents chose his life for him. He was thankful they were so interested in him but he's beginning to feel controlled.
Not talking to anyone special ; 20

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