Part 3: RagLak encounter

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Laksh was sitting in his room looking at photos in album. He was looking at Janaki's and Shekar photo who are together and one girl and other boy kid are there.

Just then Ap comes. Ap looks at the photo at which Laksh is seeing. She rubs Laksh's head.

Ap: didn't you forget your Janaki mami yet..? she left us all and went away...

Laksh: for that little girl...

Ap: yes.

Laksh: but I saw her today..!

Ap amazes: what..???

Laksh sits: yes mom. She has appointed as new collector to our district.

Just then a news scrolls in news, "as new collector, Janaki devi has taken her charges."

Ap happily: that means, she is here in our city..!!

Laksh: yes. But, still Ragini is with her only..!

Ap smile vanishes.

"I don't know why Janaki always keeps that girl with her. because of her only my bhayya Shekar and she have separated." Ap says in frustration.

Laksh: pity girl she mamma.. don't say her anything. It is not Ragini who separated them, it's only their misunderstanding.

Ap remains calm and Laksh looks at the photo again.

Next day in college...

Ragini and her class in the chemistry experiment lab. The lecturer was dictating the chemicals and compositions to mix how much and what after what..??

Everyone are noting down faslty...

Ragini was struggling to write. She writes a word, and by the time she completes that word.. the lecturer was crossing one sentence..! Ragu was lagging behind. She has missed a lot of notes. She has written that much slowly. She finds it even difficult to hold the pen. Now, Ragni doesn't know what to mix after what...

So, the professor asks all to start their practice. Ragini tries to get notes from beside girl, but lecturer won't allow. Ragini sighs and stands in her place itself. Then she looks at the girl beside who is taking chemical and mixing with other, Ragu too starts doing the same as she did.

So, in the test tube, she mixes one chemical to other

While Ragini is mixing it, she misses other component which the girl has mixed, and Ragini looks for next step.. that girl keeps it on small flame.. and Ragin too keeps it on the flame without mixing the missed chemical.

"wow..! my first experiment..!!" Ragini feels happy.

"So, now the blue smoke has to come out of the test tube.. it proves the presence of CO2..!" the professor says.

{Co2= carbon dioxide}

Ragini looks at her test tube... 'blue smoke blue smoke' Ragini murmurs as kid. But, instead of it, red smoke comes. Ragini shocks.

"what would have happened..?"

"hey you are getting red smoke.." she hears a voice suddenly and it's Laksh again.

{Note: Laksh has not listened to any experiment from start what they are doing}

Laksh: that's the final but one step, put these nitrogen balls to freeze it..!!

Says Laksh and keeps those balls in test tube. The test tube vibrates as ghost. Laksh shocks... Ragini moves back keeping her hands on mouth.


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