Cloudy Hope (Hibari Kyoya FanFic)

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"Nehahahahaha! Lambo-San has arrived!"

A childish laughter echoed through the corridors of Namimori-chuu,and multiple students strolling around stopped to stare down the hallway, searching for the source of laughter.

"Hey Lambo! I told you not to come to my school!"

A young boy's irritated shout was heard soon after, followed by the previous childish giggle. Crowds of students started to form around the entrance of class 1-A, peeping a sight of a child wearing a cow suit and having a ridiculously messy, black afro.

Tucking back strands of my light blond hair covering my left eye, I fished out two red bobby pins, and holding my left bang just slightly out of vision, I clipped on the bobby pins to hold my usual hairstyle. My red crimson eyes drifted to the front door of our classroom, taking in an almost soon to happened death battle between the noisy Italian student and the cow child, Yamamoto Takeshi who was standing beside Gokudera Hayato with his usual happy grin while Sawada Tsunayoshi beckoned the small child to return home. I smiled slightly admiring their strong friendship before turning around looking down at my desk, continuing to munch on my bento.


I looked up to the voice of my teacher calling from the front doorway, making a hand gesture to signal me over. Covering my lunch with the lid, I quickly walked to him.

"Would you mind taking these textbooks to the faculty room?"

My eyes widen at the giant stacks of books beside him. There were only five but each was as thick as an encyclopaedia. I looked up at his eyes which gave a troubled and hopeful expression and I just couldn't bring myself to refuse.


"You could've said no."

The voice of my brother said to me as I stumbled through the hallway, the stack of giant books invading my line of vision, as I held them on top of both arms and chest for balance. There were a few run-in on students who gave me a shove back or just swore their heads off. It wasn't anything unusual though, this was basically my daily life here at Namimori, or anywhere to be exact.

Hoisting the books up to a better position, I replied to my brother. "I'm sorry... I'm just not good at denying people."

"Not good? More like you're too scared to say 'No' what's wrong with refusing? If you don't want to do it then say so, remember that time when that little girl dropped her doll in the plumber and you helped her get it out? You were so dirty that the stains on your uniform wouldn't come off and you had to spend almost half your savings to buy a new one?" He ranted, scrunching his eyebrows.

"You always lecture me about this everyday, don't you get tired of it?" I asked, once again bumping into a student who shot me a menacing glare.

"No, but it's getting annoying, screw that, it's infuriating. Hurry up and do something about it!" He complained stomping his feet like a little child.

"I'm trying...It's not easy you know." I whimpered, turning the corner.

"You got over it before, you can do it again, you're just too afraid because of that-Never mind."

We spent the rest of the walk in comfortable silence, the sound of him chewing bubble gum was the only source of noise, that and a few blows and pops from the thing. I rounded another corner but tripped on something small and ... Fuzzy? Losing my balance, I fell face first on the cold hard floor. Pain flooded through me and I quickly shot back clutching my nose, tears threatening to fall as I shut my eyes.

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