Chapter 5

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Bruce woke up and looked at the time. It was almost lunch time already. He got ready for the day and walked over to the breakfast table where Alfred was just finishing getting everything set up and Dick was sitting waiting for the food. Bruce sat down next to Dick, "Morning padre, you seem happy". It was true, Bruce looked pretty happy today. "Yeah, I am" Bruce replied calmly. "Why are you so happy?" "I don't know" "does this have to do with your crush on the joker" "maybe" Bruce said with a smile. Alfred had finished putting all the food down and gave Bruce some coffee in his mug that joker gave him. They all ate the food and Bruce drank his coffee. Bruce walked down to the batcave to see if joker was out yet, nope. Nothing yet.

Jokers hideout, 12:00:
"I feel like the crimes I have done the past few days have done nothing. I want to be a bit more extreme today instead of just another boring robbery." "What are you thinking of doing today" "kidnap?" "Who" "I don't know... Nothing too bad though. What about batman's roommate...'s son Dick Greyson" "why him?" "Because, isn't he Robin" "oh yeah.". Joker started thinking of a plan of how he's gonna get this go work. He planned to go to Wayne Manor and wait till he walks outside and take him. Later that day at Wayne Manor, joker was waiting outside until Dick just happens to walk outside conveniently. "Joker, why are you here?" "I came to kidnap you" "why?" "So I can see batman" "ok" then Dick  went with him knowing that today Batman was gonna confess his love for the joker no joker left a note that said "I took Dick - The Joker".

Jokers hideout, again:
Dick and the joker where talking about random things, "what's it like being a hero" "it's fun" "yeah, being evil is fun too but sometimes it's a little boring" "its kinda like that with being a hero" but then, a familiar shadowy figure appeared. "Dick" "hi padre" dick said while walking over to batman. "Hi joker" "hey batman" then there was a awkward pause. "Padre, wasn't there something you wanted to tell your greatest enemy" "oh yeah, right, ahem" then batman took a few steps closer to the joker, "I recently found myself feeling some strange new feeling that I didn't recognize. I only felt it when I thought or looked at you. From that, I'm guessing that there is a high chance that this feeling I feel is love and that I probably have a crush on you.". The joker stared into batman's eyes and looked kinda shocked. "Are you gonna say anything?" Batman asked him, "I think I might feel the same.". Robin fangirled in the background but also trying to keep quiet so he wouldn't ruin the moment. "So are we dating?" Joker asked. "I don't know, do you want to?" "Yes" "then yeah, I guess we are dating", then there was a short pause as they stared at eachother. "Where should we have are first date?" Joker asked "Well, if we go in public, we will probably get crowded with people" "true," "how about Wayne Manor?" "What about your roommate?" "He will be fine with it, in fact he just left on a trip for a week." "Ok, when" "tomorrow?" "Ok" "great, see you then". Batman picked up Dick and turned and said "bye" and then he left with a grappling hook.

(A/N - lots of awkward silences XD I hope your enjoying the story so far :3)

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