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Dan knew his time with Phil was coming to an end. He knew that in just a few short hours, he would have to leave the closest friend he'd ever had. The two would part ways and get on with their lives. Anxious thoughts cluttered his mind. Would Phil forget about him in a few days? Was this flight as memorable to Phil as it was for Dan? Would he just turn into another story to tell at the dinner table? The thought of the answers saddened him.

Time flew by quickly. Even though Dan did everything he could to slow it down and make the most of the remaining hours, he couldn't help but feel upset. This flight was like a short break from his life, but soon he'd have to face reality again. For a few hours he could forget he was a lonely college student with a mountain of bills to pay. For a few hours he could forget that he absolutely hated where his life was headed. For a few hours he could forget that his mother was dying.

Dan and Phil spent the last few hours of the flight eating and reading together. They were almost always in contact with each other, either leaning against the other or holding the other's hand for comfort. Whether it was because of how cramped the seats were or because of other reasons, Dan didn't know.

Suddenly the intercom turned on again, causing both to look up from their books. The chirpy flight attendant was once again at the front, looking more than ecstatic to get off the plane.

"We're about to start our descent, so we ask that everyone put away all electronics and return to their seats."

Not long after she sat back down, the plane began tilting downwards. Dan could feel his heart plummet in his chest. It felt like the drop of a rollercoaster he wasn't prepared for, but he tried to remain calm and control his breathing. Dan grabbed on to Phil's hand without a second thought. In the past 22 hours they'd gotten to know each other, they became comfortable with one another. They were better friends with each other than people they had known for years.

Dan started breathing faster, practically gasping for air as the plane started descending. They appeared from the clouds, only to be faced with tall buildings and suburban neighborhoods. Sydney was a big city, and it looked absolutely stunning from above. Even though the sun had already set and stars littered the sky, the city was still wide awake.

It was nighttime outside, but for Dan it was still 4 pm in London. He knew that his sleeping schedule was going to be wrecked for the majority of his time here. Well, more wrecked than it already was.

Dan felt better about the landing than he did with the takeoff. At least now he had someone familiar to comfort him. Phil's presence put him at ease, letting him relax a bit in his seat. His face was practically pressed up against the window, watching as the buildings came closer and closer. Phil remained still in his seat, cautiously awaiting Dan's reaction. He was relieved when Dan didn't panic as much as he had earlier, but he still noticed how he began bouncing his leg up and down quickly, which seemed to be a reoccurring habit of his.

Phil tilted his head towards the window, looking at the city. He wasn't nervous about the landing. In fact, he would've given just about anything at the moment to get off the plane. All he wanted was to be able to stretch his legs (being tall wasn't exactly an advantage during times like this.) While pacing up and down the aisle gave him some relief, all he wanted was to be able to walk more than a few steps without freaking out the other passengers. Phil was never good at sitting still, so this was something close to torture for him.

The scariest part for Dan was the seconds before the plane touched ground. The moment where they hovered over the runway, close but not yet landed. When the wheels finally touched down and began screeching to a halt, he instantly felt a weight lifted off his shoulders. Dan was still wary about flying, and he didn't think he could survive another flight back home.

Phil immediately broke out into a smile, already struggling out of his seat. "Oh my god I can't wait to breathe fresh air again."

Dan grinned, hiding his pain. He assumed this was the last he'd see of Phil Lester.

For the final time, the intercom turned on. "We have landed in Sydney, Australia. The local time is 1:07 am, and luggage can be found at baggage claim 5. We thank you for choosing Northern Airlines, and we hope you have a wonderful stay."

Phil jumped up the second the seatbelt light turned off. After grabbing his suitcase and gathering his things, he practically bolted out of the plane. And, to Dan's surprise, waited for him at the end of the boarding bridge. As he ran through the gate door, he spread his arms, yelling something along the lines of, "FINALLY, I'M FREE!"

Dan walked beside him, dragging his suitcase and grinning. He was all too aware of the way people were looking at Phil, as if he had gone mad. Phil didn't pay them any mind, still embracing the fact that he was no longer cramped in such a confined space. Dan blushed at all the disapproving stares from passerby, instead choosing to focus on Phil. "Ah yes,' he spoke sarcastically, 'and finally, I can lay down properly."

Phil playfully punched him, strolling away from the gate. "I'll walk you out?" he said, already a few steps ahead of Dan. Dan nodded and caught up to Phil, falling into step with him.

As they made their way to the exit, Dan felt a pang in his heart. He was really going to miss the blue-eyed boy. He hoped that someday soon, their paths would cross again.

Neither said anything as they walked past the other gates, down escalators, and out of the terminal. No words were exchanged as Dan took this moment to cherish his last minutes with Phil.

"Well, I guess this is it," Dan said as they walked out of the airport. He bit his lip, awkwardly standing at the exit doors. If he thought about the moment too much, he might've ended up crying.

Phil started laughing, and Dan couldn't seem to figure out why. Was Phil really that excited to no longer have to put up with him?

"What's so funny?" he asked, genuinely confused.

"Oh, Dan Howell," Phil said, stepping closer to him. "You really think you can get rid of me that easily?"

Dan's heart sped up, not daring to hope. "You mean, you still want to be friends?"

"Are you kidding? Of course I still want to be friends," Phil said, giggling. "The thought of leaving you after we stepped off the plane never crossed my mind."

Dan smiled. He had never smiled so much before in his life, not before he had met Phil. Phil brought out the best in him.

Before Dan could process what he was doing, he stepped towards Phil and embraced him in a hug. Phil immediately hugged back, not expecting it but happily accepting anyways. Dan held on to Phil tightly, not yet ready to let go. When Dan looked up to see Phil's expression, he couldn't help but notice the boy was radiating happiness.

Phil leaned into Dan, speaking so softly that Dan thought he might have just imagined it. But the hope written across Phil's face was enough to assure Dan that it wasn't his imagination. Phil's words echoed in Dan's mind, even after he pulled away. Even after they exchanged numbers and promised to meet up later. Even after they promised to keep in touch, no matter what. As Dan got into a taxi, he could still hear his words, as clear as ever.

"I think this is only the beginning."

the end.

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