What the F**k

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Your POV

"Alright mom Jesus I'm almost done" you whisper to yourself.

You love your mom but she is always yelling. But you don't mind you get used to it. You live in a two room apparent with your mom. Your dad died when you were four from alcohol addition. It's just been you and your mom since. Your ok with it but your mom has always been a tiny bit sadder everyday.

You finish up the dishes which your mom had told you to do an hour ago. And your about to walk to the living room. When you get slammed in to this portal looking thing and pass out.

Johnny's POV

"Thanks Mr, Moon" I say as I grab the new song list.

It's been about two month's since are last performance. And because the new theater is still being built, We have to practice somewhere so we practice at Eddie's house.

I look at my song list to see these song's.

Close, by: Nick Jonas

I Take the World by Storm, by: Lukas Graham

Slow hand's, by: Niall Horan

Thunder, by: Imagine dragon's

Not a lot but enough I walk to the coat hanger and grab my jacket. Then I turn around and smile and say "bye everyone see you next week."

But before I can@mention a useropen the door I hear a sound like a zap. I turn around to see a girl well I think it's a girl on the ground passed out. Everyone just stares at her until Gunter yell's "What the F**k just happened."

And I still in shock run over to the girl and pick her up. "Should we do something take her to the hospital."

Before anyone can answer I hear a moan and then I feel her move in my arms.

Your POV

You wake up to see a gorilla holding you. "Hmm well this is a weird dream."

The gorilla seems startled that you talked and says "this is not a dream."

"Oh ok well goodnight" You say while yawning, and you slowly start falling back asleep.

Johnny X Reader She's differentWhere stories live. Discover now