Chapter 2: Invitation

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When Branch returned to his bunker, he remembered Valentine's Day was coming up soon. "That's when i should tell her," Branch thought to himself.

The next morning, Branch awoke to the sound of Poppy's cowbell and the morning song.                 "Everybody, Move your hair and feel united, oh oh oh" Branch loved the sound of Poppy's angelic voice. 

After the song was over, Branch went out to greet Poppy. "Good morning, Queen Poppy," Branch said bowing down to the queen. Poppy laughed, "Good morning loyal subject, and how are you this fine day," Poppy said with a slight British accent. Branch laughed and quickly changed the subject. "So, what's it like being the Queen, do you have anything planned for the day?" 

"Yes, I have a meeting with King Gristle and Bridgette in about an hour, and after that, i'm free, why do you ask?" said Poppy even thought she already knew the answer. "Well because i-if your up to it, I w-was going to s-s-see if you m-maybe wanted to c-come over later," Branch said trying not to sound so nervous. "Of course Branch, I would love that." "Okay, well How about 5 tonight" "Sounds good, can't wait. Well i gotta go talk to Gristle and Bridgette. Can you believe their dating, they're so cute together!" Poppy said excitedly. "Yeah, they really are, well, see you tonight Poppy." 

4 That Afternoon

Branches POV

What are we gonna do tonight, its still a week until Valentine's day. I wonder if Poppy would like a movie. Hmmm, what movie to watch, oh i know. Trolls. She loves that movie. I need to make sure tonight is perfe- "Branch are you in there?" Exclaimed poppy. OH she's here early, i should probably go get the door. 

Poppy's POV

I hope Branch is okay with em coming over early, I want to spend as much as time as i can with him. *Walks up to Branches door* should I wait, maybe he's not even ready yet, I mean, i'm just dressed it my regular dress. I hope he didn't dress fancy just for me. Even if he did, I would love it. He is so handsome. Where'd that thought come from. "Branch are you in there?"

3rd Person POV

Branch walked over to the door and was greeted by Poppy's beautiful smile "Hey Branch, hope you don't mind me coming early. I just couldn't wait." Did I really just say that, Poppy thought to herself. "Oh no, I don't mind at all, I'm glad your here early, that means we have more time together." Poppy hugged Branch and walked to the table where Branch previously gave her the beautiful necklace she was currently wearing and noticed a set of curtains that were closed. Becoming curious, she asked if she could see what was behind them. "Hey Branch, do you mind if I see whats behind these curtains," Poppy asked. "Sure you ca-" Branch tried to stop himself and tell her not to but it was too late. She opened the curtains and was in shock to see all the invitations she had ever given Branch. She picked up one and opened it up to hear "Celebrate freedom from the burgens." Poppy began to cry softly, but it was loud enough for Branch to hear. 

"Poppy, are you okay," Branch said nervously. "Branch, I-I... You kept them. But I thought you destroyed them," Poppy said trying to keep the tears back. "Well I would fix them after I got home and put them behind the curtain, I planned on telling you, but i guess i don't have to worry about that now," Branch said jokingly. Poppy laughed and gave a big, long hug to Branch. After about a minute Poppy said "Thank you Branch, this means more to me then you know." Branch didn't know what to say. They separated from the hug and Poppy was done crying but the her cheeks were still wet. Branch began to wipe the tears from her cheeks and smiled at Poppy. "Hey Poppy c-can I Ask you something?" "Sure Branch, I will always be here for you." Branch smiled. "You remember that moment we shared in the Burgen's pot, when we sang true colors." "Yes I do." Poppy knew what branch was going to say before he even said it, but she let him speak. "W-well you r-remember t-t-the l-lyrics to the s-song when it says..." Poppy cut in as she could tell Branch was freaking out on the inside. "... I love you" Poppy said as Branch began to think of what to say next. "Yeah, well I want you t-to know s-something. I-I-I... I meant that..." Poppy stared at Branch for a moment and before she could reply, Branch cut her off. "It's fine if you don't feel the same way." Branch began to walk away when he felt a warm, loving hand on his shoulder pull him back around. "Branch, I love you too."

Branches face lit up with excitement. "Really!" Branch said, trying not to sound too happy. "Yes really Branch." Poppy began to lean in for a kiss. Branch freaked out on the inside but began to lean in when disaster struck.

Branch tripped over himself and fell on top of Poppy and quickly got up. Branch began to speak holding back tears. "I'm so sor-" Branch felt warm lips press against his and he knew exactly what it was. Branch and Poppy kissed for about 5 seconds before pulling away. Poppy gave branch a sideways smile that made him feel warm inside. They both sat on the ground in amazement at what had just happened for what felt like forever. Branch sat up and helped Poppy up off the ground. They just kept smiling and blushing at each other when they were interrupted by knocking at the door. It was Dj. "Guys, this is extremely important."

Sorry to end it there but i will be updating it later tonight. I hope everyone is liking it so far. I'm honestly surprised i have 9 reads on this. Please comment what you think about the story and if you have any ideas for the next chapter. This has been a lot of fun and I plan on starting a new book very soon. It will also be Broppy fanfiction. It is going to be about branch, poppy, and the snack pack, but in high school.  tell me if you think its a good idea. Thanks for reading

Stay Alive, My Friens

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