Chapter 25

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I open my eyes to a repetitive knock on the door of the Team10 house. I groggily get up and walk downstairs, peeping into Ivan's room and seeing nothing. When I get downstairs, I wince as my feet touch the could floor and I walk to the door. I look through the peep hole and see a familiar head of blue hair. I open it to see Kacey at the door with Ethan and...Ethan? Obviously it's not Ethan but it looks exactly like him.

"Long time no see, Sammy!" Kacey says, embracing me in a bear hug as I laugh and hug her back.

"Hey Kacey, I missed you! Who's this...?" I say, pointing at Ethan's clone.

"It's Grayson, Ethan's twin. I guess Gray is secretly a Jake Paul fan because he made us take him," I laugh at her words, and introduce myself to Grayson.

Not gonna lie, he's very cute. He has really soft brown hair that matches his eyes, and a unique freckle on his chin. I only just realise I'm staring at him when he coughs.

"Oh, I'm sorry," I say and he chuckles.

"It's okay, don't worry about it," we both laugh and I see Kacey smirking in the corner of my eye. I glare at her and smile back at Grayson.

"Hey Sammy! I got some news for you!" Tessa's voice rings through the house as look up.

"I'm coming! Sorry Gray, I'll talk to you later," I jog up the stairs and see Tessa with her phone in the air. It shows messages between her and Ivan and I snatch the phone out of her hand. I read the messages one by one.


Ivan😡: Tessa??
Ivan😡: Tessa I need your help

Tessa💦: what do you want ivan

Ivan😡: I need to get Sammy back

Tessa💦: why? So you can use her for fame again?!

Ivan😡: what?
Ivan😡: you know I would never do that to her

Tessa💦: are you sure? Because Jessica says otherwise
Tessa💦: she says that you were dating her at the SAME TIME you were dating Sammy.

Ivan😡: ugh
Ivan😡: she ruined everything

Tessa💦: no, you did.

Ivan😡: I just want Sammy back ..

Tessa💦: well say goodbye to her, she doesn't want you

Tessa💦 blocked Ivan😡


Tears begin to fill my eyes as I read the messages. Who is Jessica? Is it true that he only wanted me for fame?

"T..." Tessa pulls me into a hug as I cry into her shoulder.

"Don't worry, he won't come back," She hugs me tighter.

"That you, Tessa?" Jakes voice rings through my ears and I quickly pull away and wipe my eyes.

"I'm with Sammy," she says as he enters the room.

"Are you okay Sammy?" I nod at him.

"Yeah, everything's fine! I don't see why it wouldn't be!" I say, walking past him and going downstairs to meet Grayson.

- time skip -

Me and Grayson talk all night and we learn so many things about each other.

Knock knock

I look up, confused as me and Gray walk to the door.

Gray puts his arm around me protectively as I open the door to see a face I didn't want to see.


Jakes little sister:Ivan Martinez {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now