direct message - lily

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lilylion so rose told me you had a couple of questions as to what was going on between your dad and sirius black while they were in school. yeah i do

lilylion ask away

lilylion i mean if you feel comfortable doing so was my dad really pan?

lilylion according to the artifacts we found in sirius's bedside drawer, yes. and what exactly did you and your dad find?

lilylion pictures of your dad and sirius, a torn-up letter sirius wrote to his parents explaining that he was gay and dating remus, who was pan, as well as letters they wrote to each other after they both graduated school and before sirius got sent to azkaban. this can't be right. this must be a mistake

lilylion i'm sorry teddy but the evidence says otherwise... do you still have the pictures by any chance

lilylion yes, actually. just one. would you mind too terribly if i saw it?

lilylion the question is would you mind? i think i would but he was my dad and i feel like i should see it

lilylion okay.

lilylion sent an image

lilylion i can imagine how upsetting this must be to you seeing as that's your dad kissing a man who is not your dad and i'm sorry this is the way you had to find out

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lilylion i can imagine how upsetting this must be to you seeing as that's your dad kissing a man who is not your dad and i'm sorry this is the way you had to find out. it's okay. thank you, lily.

lilylion anytime, teddy they're kinda cute together

lilylion i know right

i am wolfstar trash so i felt like i had to include something

i kinda wanna do a face reveal and an about the author section because unless you're one of the two people that follows my personal insta, which i used to give out, you don't know what my face looks like.

comment here if you want me to do a face reveal!

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